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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Playlists on the site................ - Page: 2

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The point is that there should be a central page with everyone's playlists sorted by date instead of going round the houses to find them by individual user.

This website gets very little attention and this is sort of essential otherways it's pointless uploading them.

Another feature that's been half baked ......

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 8:55 pm
I've just made a blog post with the link in, so at least it's on the Users Network page in some form for now!


geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:07 pm
Beatbreaker wrote :
"Son what about e people who aren't in this thread, how did find them??

Were just asking for them to make it easier and anybody with half a brain could figure that out. Why are you always trying to insult our intelligence with your back door crap is beyond me........... if its not a problem for great but is isn't about you as usual."

Oh, you took this personal? It's only personal if I quote you or call you by name. I'm sorry if I got you all upset. Insult your intelligence? Please proof read your post, and see how intelligent it sounds. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say. I don't do back door, I'm usually quite frank. As for the son part, I'm probably old enough to be your father, be careful.

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:09 pm
Here's a screen shot of Seratos site,

Not shown in the picture but under their community tab is another named "playlists" which I can go and see everyone's playlists who have made them public. Very easy to see all, not hidden away like ours.........

The son was a typo and I doubt your that old, never know though, are you about 80?? And the whole "be careful" thing, is that a threat because that's not a loud here.........

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:10 pm
That's cute and very nice for the Serato users. Please re-read my post. I did not say it was a bad idea, I just don't see why there has to be so much tension about this issue. A lot of the post here are so full of anger, about what, some pucking DJ software? Maybe they are working on it, and this particular option is not at the top of their list. Why does everything have to be NOW? That is my point.

By the way, it's "allowed", not "a loud". You're killing me. Oh, I'm 63, but I started early.

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:22 pm
Come on old timer, why so bitter, lmmfao!!

I can't wait to meet you and shake your hand one day :-)

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:59 pm
I see you are in Sioux City, IA. If you are ever in the NJ/NY area, or go to any of the conventions, that is a possibility. I think I'm a very pleasant guy. (I don't know why I had a smile on my face, when I typed that).

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 10:05 pm
Yes hopefully this year I can get down to the show in Atlantic city (I think that's where it is) and yeah your alright.

OK so back on topic, I have faith they will make it easier to see others playlists in the near future.

geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 10:13 pm
I didn't even know about this. This is a cool feature. I have made some of mine public but some include me checking songs to make sure they work, sound check, all my dinner music list lol, then the clients entrance song, then first dance and all that and finally the party lol. Oct 10th was a very interesting night but I ended it in metal (their request, and it went well) so that one touched my heart a little lol. Teen years was nothing but Punk and Metal.

geposted Tue 08 Dec 15 @ 9:30 pm
Realy nice feature! Hope we can adapt the listing a bit (songs for testing,...)

DJWrenocide wrote :
I didn't even know about this. This is a cool feature. I have made some of mine public but some include me checking songs to make sure they work, sound check, all my dinner music list lol, then the clients entrance song, then first dance and all that and finally the party lol. Oct 10th was a very interesting night but I ended it in metal (their request, and it went well) so that one touched my heart a little lol. Teen years was nothing but Punk and Metal.

Seeing a metal-song with (clean) behind always puts a smile on my face. ;-)

geposted Wed 09 Dec 15 @ 10:58 am
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
A Man and His Music wrote :
If you are ever in the NJ/NY area...

That's where I am. Where are you located?


geposted Wed 09 Dec 15 @ 5:21 pm
Under deep, deep, deep, cover, as they have disavowed any knowledge of my existence. That location is actually a smoke screen. My whole online persona has been fabricated. That's all I can say right now, as my keyboard self destructs every 20 minutes.

Oh, I'm in Jersey.

geposted Wed 09 Dec 15 @ 10:00 pm

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