In the MP3 Tag the value is 2,64 and on the Gain buttom -2,63
by the next Mp3
In the MP3 Tag the value is -1,00 and on the Gainbuttom 1,00
The Songs Play not 0 dB
by the next Mp3
In the MP3 Tag the value is -1,00 and on the Gainbuttom 1,00
The Songs Play not 0 dB
geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:18 pm
MP3 Tag
geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 9:28 pm
The Gain (db) value you see in the Tag Editor is actually the original level (db) of the track. So if you read -5,46 db in the Tag Editor, this means that VirtualDJ will add +5,46 db in order to reach the zeroDB level which is by default set to 0db (zeroDB setting)
Normally you should get 0db if the Gain round knob is at 12 o' clock position but in case you have changed the setting gainSliderIncludesautogain to No, then you will probably get what we see in your pic.
Normally you should get 0db if the Gain round knob is at 12 o' clock position but in case you have changed the setting gainSliderIncludesautogain to No, then you will probably get what we see in your pic.
geposted Mon 07 Dec 15 @ 11:03 pm