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Forum: Music discussion

Topic: Club InsaNITY 120 - Page: 1

Dieser Teil des Themas ist veraltet und kann veraltete oder falsche Informationen enthalten

01. David Bowie - Underground (Extended Version With Opening Titles)
02. Santana Feat Michelle Branch - The Game Of Love (Ultimix)
03. Company B - Fascinated (Original 12" Mix)
04. Ce Ce Peniston - Finally (12" Choice Mix)
05. Alesso - Take My Breath Away (InsaNITY's Extended Mix)
06. AB Logic - The Hitman (Extended Mix)
07. Aquagen - Hard To Say I'm Sorry (Klaas Remix)
08. Hardwell Feat Bright Lights - Mr. Spaceman (2017 Edit)
09. 3LAU Feat Bloodhound Gang - Bang! (Tiësto Bootleg)
10. Robert Miles - Children (Dream Version)

EDIT: After following your link, it does lead to contact info, as you are advertising as a pro DJ. Contact info removed by AMAHM

geposted Fri 12 May 17 @ 7:08 pm
How is a link to a mix posted on mixcloud contact info advertising me as a pro DJ? There is no information on my mixcloud account stating that I am one, nor is there any on my website. Yes, my website shows how much I charge if they want to hire me, but there is no information saying I'm a pro. If this is a ploy to get me to stop posting in here, think again.

DJ InsaNITY 74 wrote :
Yes, my website shows how much I charge if they want to hire me, but there is no information saying I'm a pro.

You are offering services for pay, so you are advertising professional services. Pro is short for professional.
If your intention is to share mixes with other DJs here for critique then remove the links, should be acceptable.
Create two soundcloud accounts, one for sharing mixes here and one for advertising.


I'm not offering any services like that on my mixcloud account.There's no link or any information stating I'm doing that. The only way anybody would know, is if they got into my profile info here on Virtualdj and saw my blog. And before you ask, no, there is no link to my blog on Mixcloud.

You can go on all day about how you're not doing this or that - but the simple fact is...

This forum is run by Atomix, not you.

In other words, you're a guest in their home. If they don't want you doing something, they have every right to remove links or whatever - it's their site.

Do what you want on your own site. Respect theirs.

Think again? I did, and this is how this is gonna play out. I don't make the rules here, I just help enforce them. I personally don't have time to constantly monitor any one particular person to see if they are adhering to those rules. Following your links leads easily to other links to your contact information. Your slick drops and website is professionally done. Now if you can't make money after that, it's not our problem. The fact is, you are a home user, and forbidden from posting links to contact info. I do not have the authority to ban you, but have removed those links I felt violated the rules of the forum. I can't stop you from posing. However in the future, I will level these post up, since you have been given every opportunity to comply with said rules.

If you want to look, walk, smell, and sound like a professional, buy the Pro version like all the other professionals here. This way you can post all the links you want.

Thank you for being a loyal user, and have a great day.

He does have a Pro account @patC74 but prefers to use this one for some reason. Weird.

No, PatC74 is also a Home user.

Must be thinking of someone else then ....

A lapsed subscription I think.

No, it's not a lapsed subscription. I never bought the program and can't afford to. I got a new account, only so I can have one with my DJ name on it to brand everything together. As for my links taking you to contact information, I would like to know what you're seeing. The ones I posted were for my mixes on Mixcloud, and there's no such link on that account taking you to my site, which is the ONLY place I post prices and such. If you can point out what it is you're seeing, I can remove it so I can be within the guidelines here. A link to my Mixcloud account is in my profile. As for the website, I appreciate you calling me a professional since I AM a certified webmaster, but never got THAT business off the ground either. I just go from one failed business attempt after another. That's my life story. However, unlike the rest of them, I will never give up on the DJ one. I've dreamed of this since I was about 5 and will continue to try until the day I die.

You're a webmaster and you can't figure out what the problem is?

Let me assist. Your Mixcloud page has a link to your Facebook page. Your Facebook page has a link to your blog. Your blog has all the stuff about how you "offer mobile DJ entertainment" and have been since 2014. Then there's the pricing and booking form.

You've also got direct links on your home page here - but either Atomix haven't noticed or they've let that one slide. All the same it shouldn't be there as it's contact information and you're a NLU (no license user).

From here https://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Forum%20Rules.html

"Unlicensed users (No license user) who have not purchased a VirtualDJ license, cannot post E-mail addresses, personal website addresses, or any other contact information."

Just let it go @Groovin. No-one cares because if they did then Atomix would have blocked the account.

When I was moderator the same thing happened with other NLU accounts and I brought it up to the powers that be and never even got a reply.

It's not up to people like us to police the forum.


There USED to be links to that stuff on my mixcloud account, but I removed the links over a year ago and the account is NOT linked to my Facebook page or website anymore. There are links to the stuff on my site, but not the other way around. I post the links to the mixes myself by hand just as I have been here. Sure, it takes awhile since I have 4 places I upload every week, but I like doing it, and can't wait to find more. I've also now removed the links from my profile.

You need to think of new ways to market your mixes. In the grander scale of things this forum is pretty dead nowadays so you're not going to get noticed on here.

Most of the communication is now done on social media.

DJ InsaNITY 74 wrote :
I removed the links over a year ago

Funny - the info I posted was based on what I found this week.

I see you've just taken off the links from your home page here - but they're still on the PatC74 home page.

Like kradcliffe says, spamming DJ forums [or Facebook IMO) with mixes is not going to get you any DJ work, or get you noticed (in a positive way).

Rather than come here just to "promote yourself" (which doesn't work) you should play an active part in the forum by helping out. Answer people's questions and take part in discussions. You'll get more respect that way.


But you can take comments via mixcloud, so that'd be contact information,
My advice to you: Go pro or go home.

The forum rules are there to promote technical help and idea sharing (licenced users are given allowance to self promotion) and dissuade all the dj chancers saying 'look at me'

As it happens very few pro licenced user actually self promote on the forums, they stick to podcasts, (or you know, are too busy actually earning a crust) and I've found some really interesting djs via vdj podcasts.

If you actually applied your brain, you'd cotton on to the fact you can publish mixes on this site [via podcasts], and playlists [as public cloudlists], and also put whatever links you want on your homepage.

Just let that last paragraph spin round your head and accept that you've been going about it in the wrong way till now.

[Side step in thinking, you're trying to sell dj services on a dj site, what village are you missing from?]

In the last 2 weeks, I have posted cloudlists up and will continue to do so. As for the Homepage, I had my links up there, but if you read above, I was told I couldn't have them there. So they're gone. Also, I have seen I can post Podcasts too, but I can't see how to upload them.

You don't upload them. You have to "broadcast" them live, and they get stored.

It's a shame, as I'd be up for doing a few if it was possible to upload them.

DJ Insanity
I hope no one minds me chiming in, but the others responding to your posts are correct, this is not the place to gain business. Now, let me first say that I don't set the world on fire with gigs. I am now retired, and I do this as a sideline, but I have been a hobbyist DJ for over 25 years, and I keep busy. You keep stating you can't get any business, so let me ask you a few questions.
1. Do you have business cards? if not, you can have nice ones made up from companies like Vistaprint...cheap
2. If you do have cards..have you gone around to all the local bars, clubs in your area and dropped them off. Thats a good place to start.
3. Take your business cards to any local event planner, wedding planner in your area and introduce yourself.
4. Facebook..Have you looked for local buy, sell groups in your area? If not, search and join them. Advertise your services there.
5. Have you contacted any other local DJs in your area to see if you could possibly work with/for them to gain experience and get your name out there?
These are just a few examples, however I am going to warn you, you're first going to have to invest in some good gear. You can't expect to get good reviews or repeat business if you show up at a gig with computer speakers and spencer gifts lights, as you have stated on your site, no matter what your mixing talent is. If you don't have the funds for a large outlay, look at places like Sweetwater. If your credit is ok, you can get a lot of gear on credit, and get 3 to 4 years with no interest when they have a sale.

Finally, If your dream is to be a professional DJ, act like one. Quit arguing with the mods and others on this forum. They are professionals, and have invested their time and money to make their dreams reality. Respect from others is always something that is earned. Just my 2 cents...take it for whatever you wish.
