Finally have a HID controller arriving in a few days. I did a lot of mapping for my Dac2 and know how to copy code directly from the old mapper to the new.
It's been a few years now and suspect I'll need a little help with commands for buttons that are new on the new controller. My main issue is that I use both SHIFT and WAITLIST as Shift buttons for alternative functions.
I'm hoping the 4500 will allow me to use the FLIP button as a Shift button, ie two buttons pressed at once.
Main purpose is to use the 5 cue buttons as hot cues (I can see in the default mapper this is already set) but when the FLIP button is held down those 5 cue buttons play from the sampler.
I've also seen a video with someone using a button to set different FX on the three FX buttons solely from the controller. I think it appears on the screen MENU, then you would tap a FX button, then use the browser wheel plus enter (bush wheel in to load the FX to that button.
Perhaps this could also be used to load different samples to the Cue buttons too. Ie press a button as MENU tap a CUE button (instead of a FX) then scroll through the sampler decks and press wheel to load.
Would love some helpers on coding this. I think most of the rest of my features I should be able to work out or copy from my DAC2 mapper.
It's been a few years now and suspect I'll need a little help with commands for buttons that are new on the new controller. My main issue is that I use both SHIFT and WAITLIST as Shift buttons for alternative functions.
I'm hoping the 4500 will allow me to use the FLIP button as a Shift button, ie two buttons pressed at once.
Main purpose is to use the 5 cue buttons as hot cues (I can see in the default mapper this is already set) but when the FLIP button is held down those 5 cue buttons play from the sampler.
I've also seen a video with someone using a button to set different FX on the three FX buttons solely from the controller. I think it appears on the screen MENU, then you would tap a FX button, then use the browser wheel plus enter (bush wheel in to load the FX to that button.
Perhaps this could also be used to load different samples to the Cue buttons too. Ie press a button as MENU tap a CUE button (instead of a FX) then scroll through the sampler decks and press wheel to load.
Would love some helpers on coding this. I think most of the rest of my features I should be able to work out or copy from my DAC2 mapper.
geposted Sun 13 Aug 17 @ 11:56 am