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Topic: Script School - Page: 35.2
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I wish there was a word for that, "when composing a message to ask for help an idea strikes", because it is a thing

geposted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 4:24 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Yes it happens to me a lot & sometimes I even get to the answer before pressing 'Save' on the message which is great & saves some time for everyone.

Follow up question if that is ok, is there a way to mix static text & a query in the button text
My button currently has the following text child
<text fontsize="10" weight="bold" align="center" action="setting 'stemsRealtimeSeparation'"/>

But it would be great if I could precede the setting value with what the setting is e.g. "STEMS Always" rather than just "Always".

geposted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 4:32 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
get_text &quot;MY TEXT&quot;

geposted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 4:39 pm
I have a button/menu on my skin that show "short" names of the current realtime stems setting

setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Fully disabled' ? get_text 'OFF' : get_text `setting 'stemsRealtimeSeparation' & param_cast text 7 & param_uppercase`

My Menu: attention you must give a class

<menu class="[YOUREBUTTONCLASS]" fontsize="11" x="+6" y="+5" width="66" height="25" textaction="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Fully disabled' ? get_text 'OFF' : get_text `setting 'stemsRealtimeSeparation' & param_cast text 7 & param_uppercase`" query="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Always' ? on : setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'On-Demand' ? on : off" visibility="var_equal '@$eventstem_23' 1">
<item text="Always" action="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Always'" check="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Always'"/>
<item text="On-Demand" action="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'On-Demand'" check="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'On-Demand'"/>
<item text="Prepared" action="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Prepared'" check="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Prepared'"/>
<item text="Reduced Quality" action="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Reduced quality'" check="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Reduced quality'"/>
<item text="Fully Disabled" action="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Fully disabled'" check="setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Fully disabled'"/>

For your long name use for example:

setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Always' ? get_text 'STEMS Always' : setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'On-Demand' ? get_text 'STEMS On-Demand' : setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Prepared' ? get_text 'STEMS Prepared' : setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Reduced quality' ? get_text 'STEMS Reduced Quality' : setting stemsRealtimeSeparation 'Fully disabled' ? get_text 'STEMS Disabled' : nothing

other example:

param_add &quot;`setting stemsRealtimeSeparation`&quot; &quot;get_text 'STEMS '&quot;


geposted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 5:03 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
DennYo Beats wrote :

param_add "`setting stemsRealtimeSeparation`" "get_text 'STEMS '"

That little script was perfect for my needs, thanks.

geposted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 5:43 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
DennYo Beats wrote :
I have a button/menu on my skin that show "short" names of the current realtime stems setting

I forgot to say thank you for the details response, the other code snippets you included have given me more insight into vdj script & have already used your 'short name' code for a custom 'sort' button i have.

geposted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 10:54 pm
mg_1978PRO InfinityMember since 2008
hi at all.. i would map 2 deck buttons in my controller that set fx “pre” or “post” fader:
- button 1: setting “fxprocessing” “prefader”
- button 2: settinga “fxprocessing” “postfader”
but this change fx about all 4 decks…is there a script that change this only in deck focused? thanks!!

geposted Tue 04 Apr 23 @ 2:54 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
no, pre/post is a global setting.
I made a volume plugin, if you use that as the last thing in the fx chain you can use post and still have volume control when you want pre

geposted Tue 04 Apr 23 @ 3:03 pm
mg_1978PRO InfinityMember since 2008
hi…there is new script “stems_split”…is there a script for make same thing without stems separation? Like “Pioneer DuaDeck”…to control in deck 1-3 play, cue, hotcues, scratch at same time…thanks!!

geposted Sat 08 Apr 23 @ 10:25 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
After using stems_split you could enable the muted stems again to just have a cloned deck

geposted Sat 08 Apr 23 @ 11:58 am
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Apologies if this has been asked before but I have a Video Skin and wanted to have text at the bottom of the screen that encourages people to use ask.the.dj.
I am using a textzone with different font sizes & wanted the text to align to the bottom or center of the text line itself however all the text is aligning to the top of the text line.
This is my code, I have looked at the skin wiki but I must be misunderstanding something because it doesn't work as all text is aligned to the top despite the wiki saying it would align center if nothing is specified.

<textzone group="horizontal" align="center">
<size width="1920" height="80" />
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<text font="Helvetica" size="70" weight="bold" color="yellow" valign="bottom" format="ask me or visit "/>
<text font="Helvetica" size="80" weight="bold" color="white" valign="bottom" format="ask.the.dj"/>
<text font="Helvetica" size="70" weight="bold" color="yellow" valign="bottom" format=" for music requests"/>
<text font="Helvetica" size="60" weight="bold" color="yellow" valign="bottom" format=" (pls don't flood)."/>

I have discovered that If I put a 'valign' statement in the <textzone> line, the whole line of text will be aligned accordingly to either the top, center or bottom of the textzone item, altho it still aligns all text to the top of the text line, however this is not documented if I am reading the wiki correctly.

Anway if anyone can shed any light on what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it.


geposted Sat 22 Apr 23 @ 4:05 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
That align is left|right|center
valign is for cases of vertical text, like above but rotated 90degs

geposted Sat 22 Apr 23 @ 4:16 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
I see, thank you for pointing that out.

geposted Sat 22 Apr 23 @ 4:22 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
There is also a command 'dy=' for padding text in a textzone, does that also only work for vertical text?
In essence, is there anyway to have a group of text items within a textzone align with themselves along the bottom of the line rather than the top?

geposted Sat 22 Apr 23 @ 4:26 pm
SveninoPRO InfinityMember since 2009
in a Browser with many Songs, how to scroll exact in the middle with just one touch of a button?

Hi everybody, to reach the first song of a browser I use browser_scroll "top"
and to get to the end browser_scroll "bottom".
But how to come in the middle?
First we would need the number of all songs in that browser window. ($NmbOfSongs)
Then we had to divide this by 2 ($HalfNmbOfSongs)
Now we would move to the top ("browser_scroll "top")
And go down the needed number of lines with browser_scroll + "$HalfNmbOfSongs"

It's actually quite easy, but what's the syntax for it?
Any help is appreciated...

geposted Wed 26 Apr 23 @ 4:24 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
file_count is your number,
param_multiply 0.5 for half
param_cast 'integer' because file count could be an odd number and I don't know if browser scroll would work with a float
param_cast 'relative' as we need a signed value +/-

file_count & param_multiply 0.5 & param_cast 'integer' & param_cast 'relative' & browser_scroll

geposted Wed 26 Apr 23 @ 4:51 pm
SveninoPRO InfinityMember since 2009
By the way: Is there a variable that shows if a browser_sort is upwards or downwards?
I want to have a button lighting, if my browser is sorted by BPM.
I tried
browser_sort "bpm" ? color pink : color black

But the pink color comes only, when the bpm is sorted upwards.
With reverse sorting the color is black.

Best option would be:
If I choose Browser sorted by BPM upwards, then the corresponding column in the browser gets green.
(Or the bpm-numbers inside of the column)
When it is sorted by BPM downwards, then the color of the column gets pink...
Would something like that be possible?

geposted Wed 26 Apr 23 @ 4:52 pm
SveninoPRO InfinityMember since 2009
locodog wrote :
file_count is your number,
param_multiply 0.5 for half
param_cast 'integer' because file count could be an odd number and I don't know if browser scroll would work with a float
param_cast 'relative' as we need a signed value +/-

file_count & param_multiply 0.5 & param_cast 'integer' & param_cast 'relative' & browser_scroll

Thanks Locodoc, this works fine. Just added browser_scroll top at the start.
By the way, its great to get the solution with explanations. Its a good way to learn...

geposted Wed 26 Apr 23 @ 5:03 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Svenino wrote :
By the way: Is there a variable that shows if a browser_sort is upwards or downwards?

see the browser_sort script definition, + or - as the first char of the field will give you specific sort order
browser_sort "+bpm"

geposted Wed 26 Apr 23 @ 5:13 pm
SveninoPRO InfinityMember since 2009
uups... got it now. Thanks

geposted Wed 26 Apr 23 @ 9:15 pm