this is after the 2020 update..if i use asio4all with a controller...and i try to change the buffer size in asio4all's control panel via the asio button in vdj...the driver is sometimes released and it defaults to laptop speakers..this happens sometimes..not all the previous versions...there was just a slight delay when u changed any setting in asio4all panel/closed the dialog box/clicked apply in vdj...which was understandable..but now it sometimes releases the driver.
for now...i have to restart vdj and the change in buffers etc is reflected and it works normally until i mess with the settings again...
ps..i try to change buffer while vdj is playing...not when it is idle mode.
for now...i have to restart vdj and the change in buffers etc is reflected and it works normally until i mess with the settings again...
ps..i try to change buffer while vdj is playing...not when it is idle mode.
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 3:07 am
asio4all is old hat, it was a bodge when it was released, and it hasn't been updated in years.
wasapi or real asio is thebetter only real deal, option;
Really asio4all is #"%@ing junk, stop using it. Don't even think about using it.
wasapi or real asio is the
Really asio4all is #"%@ing junk, stop using it. Don't even think about using it.
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 4:43 am
No disrepect...but it worked well before the its definitely not asio4all problem...and wasapi is too slow for scratching..and some controllers dont have native asio drivers...
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 12:18 pm
If Asio4All works then wasapi should work with the same latency by setting exclusiveAudioAccess to yes and latency to the latency you want.
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 12:46 pm
If it doesn’t have an ASIO driver then it doesn’t need one. ASIO4ALL is not an ASIO driver. It was developed to fill a very specific need that existed years ago. That need no longer exists.
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 12:48 pm
Windows WASAPI is the replacement. Asio4all is utter junk that just causes problems.
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 1:06 pm
Nice!!! Excuse my ignorance on the wasapi improvements...i have now tested and the latency is similar or probably better than asio4all..i will be using wasapi as of now...two questions though...does the ultra latency setting impact wasapi mode(it did with asio) and sampling rate is 44 100 hkz...wats the conversion rate of buffer samples to ms..64 samples equals 1ms? And whats the lowest ms value i can achieve...i cant get it to 1 ms..which is fine...just curious as i have now discovered the benefits of using wasapi
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 1:37 pm
64 samples / 44100 samples/sec = 0.00145 seconds, *1000 = 1.45 milliseconds
I don't think you could indeed reliably get much lower than that.
Practically even 128 samples should still be responsive enough for most purposes.
I don't think you could indeed reliably get much lower than that.
Practically even 128 samples should still be responsive enough for most purposes.
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 1:41 pm
Ok cool and the ultra latency setting?
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 2:01 pm
Only used for ASIO
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 2:26 pm
geposted Thu 07 Nov 19 @ 2:37 pm
I have a Numark NV II and no matter what WASAPI settings i try, my headphones don't work anymore since the last VDJ update. Any thoughts on how to get my headphones working again?
ASIO seems to not work anymore so im trying WASAPI but cannot find the right settings.
ASIO seems to not work anymore so im trying WASAPI but cannot find the right settings.
geposted Sun 21 Aug 22 @ 4:31 pm