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Forum: Addons

Topic: Broadcaster GFX - Neon (Theme) - Page: 1

geposted Wed 27 May 20 @ 9:57 pm
nice i'm sure this will help out a bunch of people

- Two main "boxes" : Master Video + Camera - or - Camera + Camera (show 2 cameras at same time)

how can i use two cameras ?

for now only one camera at a time can be selected as a video-source (main video effect) (both displays being the same)
so that the solution is to select the second one as overlay effect on a deck

Benz Werner wrote :

- Two main "boxes" : Master Video + Camera - or - Camera + Camera (show 2 cameras at same time)

how can i use two cameras ?

Currently, this uses the 4th deck for the second camera.
So make sure you are on the Pro/Performance layout, and just click the button, thats it :)

To change the 2nd camera, just use the camera effect on the 4th deck, and change source in the effect settings on the 4th deck.

This will be MUCH easier in next software update, where its no longer needed to use 4th deck ;-)

Love this one and the controls that come with it. No need for OBS using your skins.

Great skin, love how customisable it is!

I'm intrigued though what is 'Show Extra Box' for?

Black Box Boys wrote :
Great skin, love how customisable it is!

I'm intrigued though what is 'Show Extra Box' for?

For example if you use Twitch, you can overlay the chat box there.. or tips coming in or new joiners etc..
But will probably also make it work for 3rd cam, when users have 3 cam.. its more a "get creative, use as you want" extra box currently ;-)

For the extras it would be great if we can use it for the screen grab. Screen grab is currently alligned with the main video screen and looks a bit weird when you change the screen sizes. Would be nice if we can place it somewhere in a corner for chat overlays e.g restream chat.

defmd wrote :
For the extras it would be great if we can use it for the screen grab. Screen grab is currently alligned with the main video screen and looks a bit weird when you change the screen sizes. Would be nice if we can place it somewhere in a corner for chat overlays e.g restream chat.

yeah true, could be nice, maybe will be added ;-)

I dot know where to custom the codes text. You explanation do not tell us where to go to make the edits.



estimados esto esta genial ... !!! pero llevo varias horas intentado de todas las formas posibles y no puedo poner mi nombre en las redes tal como están indicando en las instrucciones, no se que estoy haciendo mal ... si alguien me da una mano le quedo agradecido

593harby wrote :
estimados esto esta genial ... !!! pero llevo varias horas intentado de todas las formas posibles y no puedo poner mi nombre en las redes tal como están indicando en las instrucciones, no se que estoy haciendo mal ... si alguien me da una mano le quedo agradecido

See here https://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/BroadcasterGFX.html#socialmedia
Maybe easier to understand from the guide ;-)

+1 for screen grab Add

Rune when you have multiple cams is it possible to select which cams e.g extrabox by modifying the code slightly, if so how? Is this done by changing the index?

<panel class="showVideobox" x="78" y="78" width="1104" height="621" source="master" visible="var_equal '@$broadcasterGFXdualcam' 0"/>
<panel class="showVideobox" x="78" y="78" width="1104" height="621" source="camera" index="1" visible="var_equal '@$broadcasterGFXdualcam' 1"/>
<panel class="waiting" x="78" y="78" width="1104" height="621" text="Waiting for camera" visible="not video_fx 'camera' && var_equal '@$broadcasterGFXdualcam' 1"/>

<panel class="showVideobox" x="78+78+1105+15" y="78" width="564" height="317" source="camera" index="0"/>
<panel class="waiting" x="78+78+1105+15" y="78" width="564" height="317" text="Waiting for camera" visible="not video_fx 'camera'"/>


este es el codigo correcto para cambiar los nombres, solo Cambiar la red Social y colocar su nombre de la red social.
set '@$youtube' `get_text "Your Facebook channel"`

How can we chage text, for ex..

Remove twitter and add Whatsapp phone number?
