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Topic: Getting rid of the pause after backspin

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I have a DDJ-1000 and tried Rekordbox recently, and i was a bit shocked by how rough it is. VirtualDJ is better in almost every way by a mile. The only notable exception is some mapping preferences i can easily change myself, and the backspinning behaviour. Rekordbox also detects backspinning, just like VDJ when you have it enabled in the settings, but Rekordbox will resume playing a lot earlier than VDJ, even with the platters set to maximum grip. VDJ always lingers for a moment after a backspin before it resumes, which is a bit awkward. I've checked the settings and the only thing i found was the backspin detection sensibility.
So the TL;DR is, can i adjust the point in time when VDJ will resume playing the track?

geposted Thu 23 Jul 20 @ 8:45 pm
There's no "point in time" to resume playback.
VirtualDJ waits for the jog to stop moving completely before it resumes normal playback. I don't know how Rekordbox behaves in that matter (e.g. use inertia instead) but technically the correct way is to wait platter to stop reporting movement before resuming playback.

geposted Thu 23 Jul 20 @ 10:34 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
There's no "point in time" to resume playback.
VirtualDJ waits for the jog to stop moving completely before it resumes normal playback. I don't know how Rekordbox behaves in that matter (e.g. use inertia instead) but technically the correct way is to wait platter to stop reporting movement before resuming playback.

I recorded a video, should make things clearer:


geposted Sat 25 Jul 20 @ 1:43 pm
FunctionGer wrote :
will resume playing a lot earlier

Does that seem like "a lot" to you? To me that's a very tiny difference.

If anything, the Rekordbox audio seems better quantized to the kick, but VDJ seems to just come back in. What were the quantize settings (VDJ vs Rekordbox)?


geposted Sat 25 Jul 20 @ 3:03 pm
groovindj wrote :
FunctionGer wrote :
will resume playing a lot earlier

Does that seem like "a lot" to you? To me that's a very tiny difference.

If anything, the Rekordbox audio seems better quantized to the kick, but VDJ seems to just come back in. What were the quantize settings (VDJ vs Rekordbox)?

Both were off and both do not quantize the backspinning (i.e. the setting has no effect on normal backspinning).
For me it's definitely a lot. Rekordbox feels snappier in this regard to me and it's the difference between getting the kick on the 1 after the backspin or not getting it and it sounds like a beat was missing. It's especially pronounced when you stop the platter with your hand, as you can see in the second halfes of the parts in the video. VirtualDJ lingers a lot longer but as soon as i stop the platter in RB, it basically immediately resumes.

geposted Sat 25 Jul 20 @ 3:39 pm
FunctionGer wrote :
the difference between getting the kick on the 1 after the backspin or not getting it and it sounds like a beat was missing.

That's what I meant. The Rekordbox example sounds better. It was the recovery rather than any delay which made the difference for me.


geposted Sat 25 Jul 20 @ 3:48 pm
groovindj wrote :
FunctionGer wrote :
the difference between getting the kick on the 1 after the backspin or not getting it and it sounds like a beat was missing.

That's what I meant. The Rekordbox example sounds better. It was the recovery rather than any delay which made the difference for me.

FunctionGer wrote :
but Rekordbox will resume playing a lot earlier than VDJ, even with the platters set to maximum grip.

I thought it was clear from my initial post that that's what i meant. I just didn't know the word. I know "delay" isn't really a good choice for this. Anyway, what i mean is precisely the recovery, which kicks in later in VDJ than in Rekordbox.

geposted Sat 25 Jul 20 @ 4:06 pm
Well if it "kicks in later" then it's a delay. I didn't think the difference in delay was "a lot", but the sound from Rekordbox is better.

geposted Sat 25 Jul 20 @ 4:16 pm
This small issue is still present in the latest VDJ version and from my experience the only aspect where VDJ lacks behind Rekordbox for the DDJ-1000.

geposted Tue 13 Oct 20 @ 12:44 pm

geposted Mon 02 Nov 20 @ 11:10 am
Did you try the settings timecodeNeedleDropSync=No and timecodeSilence=0.0 ? They fixed my scratching lack of immediacy issues.

geposted Mon 02 Nov 20 @ 4:43 pm
techtitch wrote :
Did you try the settings timecodeNeedleDropSync=No and timecodeSilence=0.0 ? They fixed my scratching lack of immediacy issues.

Even though i'm not using timecode, i tried this and it didn't make a difference.

geposted Mon 02 Nov 20 @ 8:17 pm
This "issue" still persists.

geposted Sun 20 Dec 20 @ 7:59 pm
This is still an "issue" where Rekordbox is a lot better than VDJ.

geposted Mon 22 Mar 21 @ 11:28 am

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