virtual dj broadcaster edition vs infinity pro?
virtual dj broadcaster edition comes with a infinity pro licence will that allow one to update to virtual dj 2021?
virtual dj broadcaster edition comes with a infinity pro licence will that allow one to update to virtual dj 2021?
geposted Tue 08 Sep 20 @ 6:42 am
there is no longer a broadcaster edition, that stopped being a thing when v8 was released [2014? ish]
geposted Tue 08 Sep 20 @ 6:56 am
but will the licence still work on the new virtual dj?
geposted Tue 08 Sep 20 @ 7:34 am
JurgenSound wrote :
but will the licence still work on the new virtual dj?
You will work with new version, yes, but not be full pro.
Rather Home Plus with full broadcast features.
Or you can opt to get the Pro version license
geposted Tue 08 Sep 20 @ 12:48 pm