
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: VDJArtnet not compatible 64-bit - Page: 1

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Hi, i use the VDJArtnet plugin a few years to send info to my QLC+ program.
latest update of VDJ to 2021 64Bit, the VDJArtnet is'n compatible anymore.
is there a solution for?

I 'll try the new OS2L function, but i missed the option to setup some scripts like i have in VDJARTNET
-get_position & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend
-deck 1 play ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0 : deck 2 play ? set $VDJartnetsend 0 : set $VDJartnetsend 255
-get_bpm & param_cast integer & set $VDJartnetsend
-param_greater get_beat_bar 12.5% ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : param_greater get_beat_bar 25% ? set $VDJartnetsend 0 : param_greater get_beat_bar 37.5% ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : param_greater get_beat_bar 50% ? set $VDJartnetsend 0 : param_greater get_beat_bar 62.5% ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : param_greater get_beat_bar 75% ? set $VDJartnetsend 0 : param_greater get_beat_bar 87.5% ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0


geposted Sun 18 Oct 20 @ 7:59 pm
what version of VDJArtnet do you use ?

the incompatible part is only the config tool

it looks like you use one of my build with limited usage (toggle only)

I finalized a compatible & extended version i use for years now with a rewritten config tool being external
however there are some tiny differences with buggy original
specially config files being per deck and handling 4 universes, config tool handling ports
multiple instances as per deck ... as far as the network config differ...

the other hand depending on how you configure QLC+
"get_position & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend"
is a request done by VDJArtnet to VDJ when setting the corresponding DMXchannel

repeat_start dmxpos 120ms -1 & get_position && param_multiply 2.55 & os2l_cmd 1000
repeat_start dmxpos 120ms -1 & get_position && param_multiply 2.55 & os2l_cmd "DMX-1"

will start a loop sending position to QLC+ OS2L channel 1000 aka "DMX-1"

defined like this in .qxi input profile file

<Channel Number="1000">

deck 1 play ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0 : deck 2 play ? set $VDJartnetsend 0 : set $VDJartnetsend 255
is a buggy script
things like that can do
repeat_start dmxdeck 120ms -1 & deck 1 play ? get_text `get_constant 255 : get_constant 0 ` & param_cast int & & os2l_cmd "DMX-1"

As it looks like an Artnet plugin "DMXArtNetNtx" is becoming a request these days i uploaded it (no config file)
(plugin64 bit only, config too 32bit app ... i missed the source code, and was it using Form that can't compile anymore )
review pending for both plugin & config tool

Hi Nicotux,
i downloaded version win 0.2.1, put this file in the plugins64\autostart folder, togheter with the config and preset files.
any idea how i can try this in de VDJ64 bit version?

it never been designed to work like this, (even it is possible, but i can't test this folder as a home user )

I uploaded a version installable from within VDJ

it install itself in soundeffects (or move it to soundeffecs) and data stay in plugins/DMXArtNetNtxData or plugins64/DMXArtNetNtxData

and it needs the external tool VDJArtNetConfig in the same data folders
(only available from site)

select the plugin as you want, i.e.master deck audio or deck1
open gui
click config

(there are some example in the data folder)

you get the tool to set ip and port and universe and refresh rate and packet skip
and 512 lines each one representing 1 dmx chanel

enter a name and a script in a channel
i.e. : in channel 1 beat pos & get_beat & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend
save and quit
click refresh
and activate plugin

every script have to send values between 0..255 to control a dmx channel directly
(there are other, i.e. 256 "do not touch chanel", but need some documentation)
value is store in variable $VDJartnetsend all dmx chanel sharing this variable

plugin can run in multiple decks as long as destination IP differ
only one universe at a time

for big scripts, the middle button toggle the available cell size between 1 or multiple lines

i installed the config files in:
and the DMXArtNetNtx.dll file in
i can open VDJartnetConfig.exe, added a script rule to it.

when i try to open the DMXArtnetNTX in the master deck audio or deck1, there is still a remark after this: DMXARTNETNTX (Incompatible)

i use VDJ V8.5-64 b6106 (virtual DJ2021)
Any clue what's going wrong?

Even with no config the plugin must run, in default mode (localhost default artnet port DMX universe1 no channel defined) and create the needed empty datafile where it want it
As this is the 64bit version it needs uptodate Windows10 and latest runtime

maybe missing only standard dependency needed is missing : VCRUNTIME140.dll MSVCP140.dll
(this install automatically only with apps needing it, but not with standalone plugins)

(VDJartnetConfig.exe is 32bit only and was created with 2017 builder, plugins are 32 bit and 64bit and were created with 2019 builder)

Hi i installed the visual C components.
i can now open the config in VDJ.
this is the setup: op;port6454;universe0
added a vdj script. in row 1

no packages recieved at het QLC+ side.?
do i used the right port? there is no setting for this in QLC+

Yes i & friends use it for years
tested again today

but win10 20H2 seems to brake a lot : plugin do not stop & crash VDJ when used with effect button for me
and so need an update ^^

maybe you forget the input profile ?
just create a profile to match DMX512 in QLC+ and select it for your mapping:

i.e. : name RawDMXSliders
Type : DMX

and map the chanels :
1 dmx1 slider
2 dmx2 slider

may be long for all 512...

so take some help using powershell script

in powershell execute script: from your home folder

clear ; for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt 512 ; $i++ ){ $j=$i+1 ; echo "<Channel Number=`"$i`">`n <Name>dmx$j</Name>`n <Type>Slider</Type>`n</Channel>" >> .\QLC+\InputProfiles\rawdmx.txt }

create profile with no chanel
exit QLC+
edit ...\QLC+\InputProfiles\RawDMXSliders.qxi

copy the content of "rawdmx.txt" and paste in "RawDMXSliders.qxi"
between line
and line

start QLC and select profile RawDMXSliders

final file will look like (with the typo^^)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE InputProfile>
<InputProfile xmlns="">
<Name>Q Light Controller Plus</Name>
<Manufacturer> YOURMANUFACTURER</Manufacturer>
<Channel Number="0">
<Channel Number="511">

i am sorry, it's not working. no input in QLC+, vdj crashed now and than.

i am stay now using VDJARTNET in VDJ 32 bit version.

maybe you have both vdjartnet & dmxartnet installed. they have to be exclusive (vdjartnet does never stop and exclusively take the port in use)
if VDJartnet is working in 32bit... 64bit version is working too with the same config file
(only 1 version of existing vdjartnet wasn't crashing)

if VDJArtnet is working in 32bit

DMXAtNet 64 bit can use its config once converted to new version (and vdjartnet64 removed or rename as .dll_):
start VDJ
start DMXArtNet by openig GUI in a slot
click config to launch the config tool
add a line
and save (the needed config file will be created with the needed name)
load the old config file version from 32bit folder
fix address port .. as needed
save it replacing new one in 64bit folder
exit config tool
click refresh in the gui
Enable VDJArtNet
it works

i have reinstalled everything.
VDJArtnet and DMXArtnetNtx are both working in VDJ 2020 32 bits,
But NOT in VDJ2021 64 bit.
-VDJartnet is still incompatible
-DMXArtnet can be started, but sends no data to (tested with the artnetominator)
my windows 10 pro 64 bit is uptodate.
do i missed some other files or programs?


In fact there are missing things once addon is installed for some reason :-(
the data folder DMXArtNetNtxData is missing with all its content so that it does not install normally

vdjartnetConfig.exe is 32bit only, and needs latest VCRuntime in 32bit as well
x86: vc_redist.x86.exe
(will try to add auto install of redistribuable dependencies in a future version)

(Badly I lost last source code, and don't know how to recreate a new one for 64bit from older when everything needed was remove from build tools)
it must be runable as a standalone app even on 64bit OS, and do not need of VDJ

as both folders are missing both have to be created and filled manually:

Of course without config file, there is no data to send ^^

if VDJArtNet.exe is runnable, Config button will launch it with the correct script open
just edit, save and Refresh and activate if not already

In a way to manually install:
In plugin GUI, click "About"
you'll see a box with infos, specially config file name (DMXArtNetNtx_1_Audio.conf if launched from deck 1)
host is and Universe is 0

example of config file :

# VDJartnet Config File
+U 0
+T 20
+C 10
1~Beat Grid~get_beatgrid & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend
2~LevelFull~get_level & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend
3~Song Pos~song_pos & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend
10~10 Steps~get_beat_num 10 & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend
34~Last 25s~songpos_remain 25000ms ? get_beat & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend : set $VDJartnetsend 0

No data is send as long as :
config file was not loaded
plugin is not activated (cog or plugin button or activate button or list switch)
no file is playing
no data changed and keepalive timeout not reached

config file format is simple :
header comment "# VDJartnet Config File" is needed to detect new format, otherwhise old format is assumed (no " chan '~' and no +U +C, or preset ...)
+H (for Host format: IPV4 address:port or Hostname:port)
+U for Universe
+T for keepalive TimeOut (Packet skip)
+C CheckRate
chan '~' name '~' script

all are optional

chan can be any dmx chanel 0..512, can have hole in numbering


i am sorry to say this:
i followed step by step.
in VDJ everything looks fine and works, but there's no data send to my QLC+

To be sure I downloaded and install online version and ....
It does not work ^^
I fixed it (previous uploaded was a testing dll) and uploaded again a good one
with extra...

take a look @ your PM

Hi. I am sorry but Your command
repeat_start dmxdeck 120ms -1 & deck 1 play ? get_text `get_constant 255 : get_constant 0 ` & param_cast int & & os2l_cmd "DMX-1"
does not work with me. Is it correct? & & What does it mean?
And would you mind to help me with some questions about os2l_cmd -
How have been transformed for os2l_cmd command such VDJartnet plugin command as
get_bpm & param_cast integer & param_greater 100 ? param_smaller 121 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0

And how to define number of the channel whicn can be used in os2l_cmd command?
For example - os2l_cmd command 1 50% what does it mean. What is channel 1? Channel of the fixture on qlc+ or channel in the os2l profile in the qlc+

Best regards

1) don't be sorry, the whole script is a dummy :\ (copy/past issue probably)
" & & "is a typo, does nothing special but equivalent to "... & nothing & ..."

correct one is:
repeat_start dmxdeck 120ms -1 & deck 1 get_text `play ? get_constant 255 : get_constant 0` & param_cast int & os2l_cmd "DMX-1"

will send 255 or 0 to os2l dmx-1 depending on play status every 120ms
(not a good way, its an example of what osl2 can't handle easily but Artnet can)

2) os2l sends direct commands when DMXArtnet use live status (refresh channel multiple time per seconds if needed)
get_bpm & param_cast integer & param_greater 100 ? param_smaller 121 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0
is hard to transpose to os2l
it would need a repeat script which look at bpm and send the command when bpm go under 100 or over 121, and other command whenbpm go back in range 100-121, the same way play script above do
(not a good way, its an example of what osl2 can't handle easily but Artnet can)
again these are not recommended things to do IMHO

3) channel 1 in os2l scripts is the Channel in the os2l profile in the qlc+ (+1 because naming starts from 1 while internal value is 0, like with MIDI chanels)
<Channel Number="0">
you can replace with its name
os2l_cmd command "dmx1" 50%

QLC+ can do both artnet and OS2l in the same time
better use each specificity with 2 QLC+ settings instead of trying to simulate one with the other

Thanks a lot for your reply.
Would you mind to answer in one more question.
Is there any opportunity to get by your wonderful plugin beat signal, equal to the signal '8342 beat" from the os2l system? If 'YES' - what is the script command?
get_beat, get_beatgrid, get_bpm - are not absolutely equal to the os2l beat.

Best regards.

sorry but beat in 8342 from VDJ ..... I do not know anything about that (never saw)
so that i can't be sure about it
there are so many possibilities with beats bar phrase in VDJ.... and in VDJScript
but if you have some infos they are welcome

initial proposal in QLC+ forum was
"8341" beatpos
"8342" beat
"8343" beat 1
"8344" beat 2
"8345" beat 3
"8346" beat 4

maybe "get_beat_counter && param_cast float & param_mod 4"
(cast needed due to bug with mod and integers)
or thing like that
"get_beatpos & param_greater 0 ? param_mod 255 & set $VDJartnetsend : set $VDJartnetsend 0"
( not the same as songpos
"get_position & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend" )

"8342" The beat (maybe not be in sync with os2l or midi but the same as the track) :
"get_beatgrid & param_greater 0.9 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0"
or better
"get_beat_bar & param_smaller 0.03125 ? param_cast int_trunc & set $VDJartnetsend : set $VDJartnetsend 0"

next are beat nums :
"8343" beat 1
"get_beat_num 1 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0"
"get_beat_num 1 & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend"

"8344" beat 2
"get_beat_num 2 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0"
"get_beat_num 2 & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend"

"8345" beat 3
"get_beat_num 3 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0"
"get_beat_num 3 & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend"

"8346" beat 4
"get_beat_num 4 ? set $VDJartnetsend 255 : set $VDJartnetsend 0"
"get_beat_num 4 & param_multiply 255 & set $VDJartnetsend"


Thanks a lot for your reply with description of some presets for your wonderful plugin.
Excuse me, but the preset "get_beat_counter && param_cast float & param_mod 4" does not work with me.
And I am very interesting - what is the param "0.03125" from your preset
"get_beat_bar & param_smaller 0.03125 ? param_cast int_trunc & set $VDJartnetsend : set $VDJartnetsend 0". Is it constant or not?
Thanks one more time for your great work with a new version of plugin.
By the way, I have wrote in another forum about your plugin - that maybe will be fine to make some separated forum, where users can load their presets and change them with each other.

Best regards.
