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Topic: screen that vibrates or turns off and lights up intermittently

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danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I especially have this kind of problem with karaoke when I use the laptop screen + an HDMI screen.

someone has an idea of setting to no longer have this problem.

geposted Wed 21 Oct 20 @ 2:53 pm

geposted Wed 21 Oct 20 @ 4:01 pm
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
i look

geposted Wed 21 Oct 20 @ 4:24 pm
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I also have problems between virtual 2021 that I did not have with the 2020. Short cuts to the screen. there is no setting on virtualdj of minimum quality with maximum performance

geposted Wed 21 Oct 20 @ 4:27 pm
danydj wrote :
I also have problems between virtual 2021 that I did not have with the 2020. Short cuts to the screen. there is no setting on virtualdj of minimum quality with maximum performance

Not sure what you meant by that...

If you think its 2021, you can try in settings to set precomputeStems to "only use precomputed".
That way it should work as fast and easy on the computer as earlier versions ;-)

geposted Wed 21 Oct 20 @ 6:19 pm
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Impossible, I have too many mp3's to put in pre-calculated.

nothing says that the problem comes from there either

Is there an option to block the Stems, do not use.

geposted Thu 22 Oct 20 @ 7:40 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Use only precomputed does that. Only the ones that you manually precompute will then have stems available.

geposted Thu 22 Oct 20 @ 7:48 am
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I will try this solution

The new updates of VDJ have many new features (Video and stems) and if the machine is lacking in those specs then the newer versions could now be exposing this weakness where it might have been sufficient previously. It's recommended to have a dedicated memory type video card in order to mix video or use stems without issue in VDJ. Have you tried testing without the video engine enabled?
you might also try disabling stems: go to: SETTINGS->OPTIONS tab->search for the option: MATHENGINE and change to DISABLED

geposted Thu 22 Oct 20 @ 7:57 am
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003

too complicated, and the precomputation creates a file. Which is a problem for me. 1'000'000 mp3 = 10 terra

geposted Thu 22 Oct 20 @ 8:00 am
danydj wrote :
Is there an option to block the Stems, do not use.

danydj wrote :
the precomputation creates a file. Which is a problem for me. 1'000'000 mp3 = 10 terra

It only creates a file for those songs that you CHOOSE to create a file for...
Stems are ONLY created at right-click in browser, for those songs you want to, and it can be none if you dont want any..
(if you set precomputeStems to "only use precomputed")

You can set mathEngine to disabled to turn off entirely, but that is not needed of you set precomputeStems.
And with precomputeStems you get those nice new 3band waveform even without the stems in use ;-)

geposted Thu 22 Oct 20 @ 9:27 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
"quote=danydj]there is no setting on virtualdj of minimum quality with maximum performance[/quote"

Some exist :

settings performance useLowPowerGPU
settings performance safeVideoDecode
and posssibly
settings performance experimentalSkinEngine

setting video videoMicroFrames
setting video videoResampleQuality
and possibly
setting sideoShaderQuality

geposted Thu 22 Oct 20 @ 9:49 am

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