My father is actually paying a PRO membership and is trying to broadcasting his music which doesn't work at all. We are trying to connect to his broadcast page through the web adress he gave us, he sees the clients number increasing while the page is downloading on our screen, but we automatically keep being disconnected and are unable to hear anything. Have someone ever encounter this problem? Can you please share some advice? Thank you
geposted Sun 25 Oct 20 @ 3:25 pm
if being disconnected over and over, it could just be bad network perhaps.
Where is the broadcast going to? some shoutcast or icecast server ?
Where is the broadcast going to? some shoutcast or icecast server ?
geposted Sun 25 Oct 20 @ 4:17 pm
Hi! Thanks for replying.
Well, we tried to reset our internet module and trust me it isn't the problem. As to answer your question, neither of a shoutcast or a icecast server is used. He simply used his virtual dj module online, on his account. I'll try to be clearer saying he didn't sent his broadcast on the ''radio'' option of the software but on the ''audio'' option in which it says that his friends could listen to what he's broadcasting simply by clicking the web adress displayed...
I don't know if it helps, but thanks for the help anyways.
Well, we tried to reset our internet module and trust me it isn't the problem. As to answer your question, neither of a shoutcast or a icecast server is used. He simply used his virtual dj module online, on his account. I'll try to be clearer saying he didn't sent his broadcast on the ''radio'' option of the software but on the ''audio'' option in which it says that his friends could listen to what he's broadcasting simply by clicking the web adress displayed...
I don't know if it helps, but thanks for the help anyways.
geposted Sun 25 Oct 20 @ 5:38 pm