I have VirtualDJ home edition on a dying XP computer which I must replace. How do I transfer my music and database to the new computer so that all my information and tags will be available? Sorry if this seems like a simple question.
geposted Fri 27 Nov 20 @ 1:38 am
Answers to many questions are to be found in the VDJ wiki pages.
geposted Fri 27 Nov 20 @ 8:55 am
I back up my entire VDJ Folder. When I get a new computer I download the VDJ program and then replace the VDJ folder with the one I backed up on the old computer. Never miss a beat.
geposted Fri 27 Nov 20 @ 2:14 pm
copy file : settings.xml to the new computer, and paste in the same location
geposted Sun 29 Nov 20 @ 1:21 am
He'll need more than just the settings file.
geposted Sun 29 Nov 20 @ 11:01 am
Not all information transferred to the new computer:
1. All track lengths were blank. I have to reenter the timings for over 12,000 tracks
2. Only tagged information was transferred
3. I had used the Field1 (user1) box for additional track notes. None of this was transferred probably because there is no tag option for this field
I'm a little disappointed!
1. All track lengths were blank. I have to reenter the timings for over 12,000 tracks
2. Only tagged information was transferred
3. I had used the Field1 (user1) box for additional track notes. None of this was transferred probably because there is no tag option for this field
I'm a little disappointed!
geposted Wed 02 Dec 20 @ 8:27 pm
Well then either you didn't transfer the database, or the music files are not in the same place as they were previously.
geposted Wed 02 Dec 20 @ 10:47 pm
I was transferring from ver 7 to ver 8. I do not agree with your explanation. The database WAS transferred because all custom track names and custom genres were correct. I maintain that all user1 info was blank because no tags were generated for that field. The comments field seems to be stored with the track, not in the database because I can load new tracks into ver 8 from ver 7 without updating the database. I am a newbe at this so I probably don't know of what I speak.
geposted Mon 14 Dec 20 @ 6:41 pm
DZino wrote :
1. All track lengths were blank. I have to reenter the timings for over 12,000 tracks
No, you should rescan your files and proper times will get calculated automatically
DZino wrote :
2. Only tagged information was transferred
This means that VirtualDJ just read the tags and didn't read any database info
DZino wrote :
3. I had used the Field1 (user1) box for additional track notes. None of this was transferred probably because there is no tag option for this field
Same as above
DZino wrote :
I was transferring from ver 7 to ver 8
You should say that at your very first post.
VirtualDJ 7 is quite old and everybody assumes you are using VirtualDJ 8.
The correct process to transfer your files from a computer running VirtualDJ 7 to a computer running VirtualDJ 8 is as follows:
A) For media files stored on C drive:
1) Copy your files on the EXACT SAME LOCATION as the old PC.
This one is tricky sometimes. The "Music" special Windows folder is different path for every user on the same PC (or on a new one) as the username you use on Windows takes part on it.
The "Music" folder is actually C:\Documents\WindowsUsername\Music
So, if on your old PC you had the username "I am cool" and on the new one you have "I am great" then the "Music" folder is different on each PC
2) Copy "VirtualDJ v6 Database.xml" file that's located inside "Documents\VirtualDJ" folder from the old PC on the same location on the new PC
B) For media files stored on any other drive (than C)
3) Copy the entire drive contents on a new drive on your new PC. If on the old PC you had two drives but on the new one you have one drive, leave the files on the external drive you use to copy them from one PC to another (you will be able to move them later)
Among the files that will copied in this case there is a file named "VirtualDJ v6 local database.xml" on the root of the drive. Make sure you copy it.
Now: Since you have run already VirtualDJ 8 on the new PC:
Go on Documents\VirtualDJ folder and delete "database.xml" file. NOT the "VirtualDJ Database v6.xml" file mentioned above!!!
Also, if you have more drives, (or your media are on the external drive) delete the "VirtualDJ" folder on the root of the drive(s)
The above procedure will wipe your VirtualDJ8 databases clean.
Start VirtualDJ 8 on the new computer.
Upon first launch, VirtualDJ should detect the old database files (those that have v6 on their filename) and convert them to VirtualDJ 8 format.
Let the program run for some time. (a few minutes should be enough)
Close VirtualDJ
Delete the v6 database files
Start VirtualDJ again.
Now, you should be running with v8 databases and all your tracks info should have carried over.
If you have files on external drive that you wish to move, you can now do so FROM WITHIN VirtualDJ's own browser, so that the program keeps your database data.
Same rule applies for ANY file you want to move to any place.
Please note:
You will have to rescan your files with VirtualDJ 8. BPM of your files should have been transferred from VirtualDJ 7, however VirtualDJ uses a completely different BPM engine and will rescan the tracks upon loading on decks. That's normal, and there's no way to avoid it.
Because of a bug of VirtualDJ 7, the hotcues on some of your tracks may have a small offset from their correct location. There's no way to avoid this, and you'll have to update these hotcues. In my case when I was switching over, I found about 100 tracks with that bug out of 50.000
If you have more questions, it would help us a lot to let us know where your files are on the old PC (drive/location/folder) and where you want to put them on the new PC (and how you plan to transfer them) so that we can give you more information tailored exactly for your case
geposted Mon 14 Dec 20 @ 8:29 pm