Just figured since I finally got around to putting a triplet loop roll mapping on my new laptop I should put it here so people can get one without wasting so much time on trial and error:
loop_roll_mode off & down ? loop_roll_mode & loop 0.333333 : loop_exit & loop_roll_mode
I'm sure it's not the cleanest and could be improved somehow but at least it works, unlike loop_roll 1/3
loop_roll_mode off & down ? loop_roll_mode & loop 0.333333 : loop_exit & loop_roll_mode
I'm sure it's not the cleanest and could be improved somehow but at least it works, unlike loop_roll 1/3
geposted Sat 19 Dec 20 @ 7:22 pm
effect_beats 'loop roll' 0.333333 & effect_active 'loop roll' while_pressed
a little shorter [by not much] perhaps the value in loop_roll X should be passed to effect_beats instead of how it looks for a button currently
a little shorter [by not much] perhaps the value in loop_roll X should be passed to effect_beats instead of how it looks for a button currently
geposted Sat 19 Dec 20 @ 7:40 pm
That's a nice way to loop, i should use this more often.
geposted Sun 20 Dec 20 @ 10:07 am