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Topic: openPage
Discussion about openPage

A simple little addon, requested by a user, to open a web search for either the song on deck or the song pointed at in the browser. Plenty of uses, track discovery, artist research, find lyrics, check out those tracks other vdj users are spinning.
I included most of the usual suspects where you might want to go on a selection dial. [genuis.com, soundcloud, bandcamp, beatport, youtube, google, discogs]
But where it searches is only dependent on the effect_string so can be customised to any site.

The action is triggered by effect_button 1 or 2, turning the fx does nothing, it is not needed.
oh it also copies the data [artist &| title &| remix] to clipboard

Licence required: LE minimum
Windows X64 Only.

geposted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 1:05 pm
A little hiccup yesterday, you should now find this to dl in app under EXTENSIONS>>EFFECTS>>AUDIOFX>>openPage
and to actually use in the per deck FX drop down in the gui inside the "other" folder.

This is a seriously awesome and extremely useful item! Thank you!

Is it possible to add my own search site?

Many stranges things can be done as it opens protocol string with default app:

effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 'http://www.virtualdj.com' & effect_button 'OpenPage' 2

effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 'mailto:my.email@somewhere.far' & effect_button 'OpenPage' 2

append search request is in the form

This is FANTASTIC!!! Do you have a Venmo we could send tips too? You have really helped us save time here my friend. Also, can I ask if it would be possible to add a forth search button? Title, artist, remix and karaoke? If that is not possible could I change remix to karaoke somehow? Thanks again!!

If you check my profile there's a link there.

Yes an extra button to look for video or and one for karaoke would be fine

Here are hacks (bad reguest but somehow doing the job) for google

look for karaoke version of loaded file (everywhere)
get_text 'https://www.google.com/search?q=%22karaoke%22' & param_cast text & effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 & effect_button 'OpenPage' 1 on

or look for the video of browsed file
get_text 'https://www.google.com/search?tbm=vid&q=' & param_cast text & effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 & effect_button 'OpenPage' 2 on

a combination, look for video karaoke of browsed file
get_text 'https://www.google.com/search?tbm=vid&q=%22karaoke%22' & param_cast text & effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 & effect_button 'OpenPage' 2 on

Hi, wonder if anyone can help, I'm trying to get this to work with Deezer - open the search bar but I cant figure out how to remove the "/search?q=" from the search that it throws to Deezer.

I have

get_text 'https://www.deezer.com/search/' & param_cast text & effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 & effect_button 'OpenPage' 2 on

but when it gets to Deezer it has the format


Thanks !

For deezer search within vdj.
This plugin is a simple "shortcut" I didn't fancy delving into several api's, because it's not worth the effort.
And I feel full access to cmd line opening might be problematic for atomix to allow the release. Using /search?q= was a simple fix to prevent it being used for other purposes.
If you want a private custom build send me a pm


get_text 'https://www.discogs.com/de/search?q=' & param_cast text & effect_string 'OpenPage' 1 & effect_button 'OpenPage' 1 on