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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: [VDJScript] Is dropzone over supposed to display something onscreen?
I created a dropzone with an "over" sub-element. Expected behavior was that, when I had a valid file dragged over the dropzone, that the "over" sub-element styling would display onscreen as a visual cue that the file was over the dropzone.

However, the "over" sub-element does *not* seem to be displaying in this case. I also tried other skins (such as the Default Performance skin) that contain dropzones with "over" sub-elements and it doesn't seem to do anything that I can see.

I've included code of (an exaggerated version of) what I'm trying to do, but can't see the expected result. Thanks for any information!

<pos x="+0" y="+7"/>
<size width="511" height="292"/>
<over color="#FFFF00" border_size="2" border="#FFFF00" shape="square"/>

geposted Sat 23 Jul 22 @ 9:31 pm
SOLVED. It works when you drag a file from the Library but NOT from externally.

FEATURE REQUEST: please make it work when a file is dragged from externally.

geposted Sat 23 Jul 22 @ 10:07 pm