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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Unable to change colored waveforms in virtual dj.
Hello. I recently saw this video on youtube (see link below) where she showed the various color options for deck waveforms. She adjusted colors by selecting the options in the "coloredWaveforms" field under "skins". However when I do the same thing on my virtual dj, nothing changes, the waveform colors are still red and blue. Any tips on what to debug here?

geposted Wed 11 Jan 23 @ 12:07 am
Need more info, as to what you wish..

Don't see youtube video link.

Which skin are you using? not all skins support colored waveforms.

do you want the colored waveforms in overview area? or in the main area? (both can be selected separately, to your preference)

what do you have skinWaveformType in options set to?

need more info to help more.

can also check the amazing well documented, VDJ manual which discusses how to set each of the different waveforms types for each of the default skins. (and there are many skins in extensions)

and without knowing what you wish.

try these settings, (may be what you are wanting):
skinWaveformType colors
skinOverviewType colors
coloredWaveforms neutral
waveUseFrequency yes

geposted Wed 11 Jan 23 @ 12:27 am