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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Reload Tags
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022
Hi all, hopefully someone can help me:
-Reload Tags seems to be only available if multiple files are selected
-I can't seem to find a VDJ script/verb to Reload Tag
Appreciate your help!

geposted Fri 10 Mar 23 @ 12:45 pm
Yes, there's no action to reload tags via script

Yes, Reload Tags is an option only when multiple files are selected

For a single file you can open it in Tag Editor and if the tag contents are different from what VirtualDJ holds on it's database, you can use the small arrows under each field to copy the contents of the tag to VirtualDJ.

geposted Fri 10 Mar 23 @ 1:27 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Yes, there's no action to reload tags via script

Yes, Reload Tags is an option only when multiple files are selected

For a single file you can open it in Tag Editor and if the tag contents are different from what VirtualDJ holds on it's database, you can use the small arrows under each field to copy the contents of the tag to VirtualDJ.

Can I ask why this decision was made for single files?

There are quite a few times that I make a tag change (of multiple fields) for a single file in a 3rd party organization app (Lexicon), for e.g., during a live performance to update fields to more reasonable values, and I either have to:
- Open the tag editor to update each field manually/separately
- Batch a bunch of files with such changes (which isn't immediate), or at least one file with no changes, to use the reload tags option

geposted Fri 10 Mar 23 @ 2:00 pm
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022
Yeah, it's a shame because it means I have to choose two files to refresh tags - which means I lose the grid/cues in many cases. I only want to refresh the tags/cues on one file, but I have to choose two.
What are the chances of pretty please making this option available in the next update?

geposted Sat 11 Mar 23 @ 3:36 am
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022
Just a follow up here - can we please have to option to refresh the tag of only one file?

geposted Sun 16 Apr 23 @ 6:28 am
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Yes, there's no action to reload tags via script

Yes, Reload Tags is an option only when multiple files are selected

For a single file you can open it in Tag Editor and if the tag contents are different from what VirtualDJ holds on it's database, you can use the small arrows under each field to copy the contents of the tag to VirtualDJ.

I can't understand why it's not available. It's such a simple thing to add - the function is already there.

I don't want to be messing around on my trackpad when I'm DJing.. It's such a convoluted process for a simple problem.

Can we please have a script and menu option?

geposted Sun 21 May 23 @ 2:12 am
"Yeah, it's a shame because it means I have to choose two files to refresh tags - which means I lose the grid/cues in many cases. I only want to refresh the tags/cues on one file, but I have to choose two."

I agree with the lack of a single file option, but why would you lose grids/cues by refreshing tags on two files?

geposted Sun 21 May 23 @ 5:42 am

geposted Sun 21 May 23 @ 9:46 am
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022
Just a follow up here - can we please have to option to refresh the tag of only one file? It's available for multiple files, but not one. I can't understand why they won't allow this..
It's like they're deliberately making it difficult if we want to refresh the tag of a single file because we have to open up a new window and click individual tags.

geposted Sat 12 Aug 23 @ 8:59 am
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022

I sync and update my tracks' ratings and tags on my phone, but these changes don't reflect in VirtualDJ.

I've attempted to create a filter for files updated within the last, say, 7 days (File Date) without success. It only allows us to input a set date.

Using Select All => Refresh Tag Info results in loss of information for wave files or very old files.

How can I best refresh tracks that are updated in other software without losing existing tag information? My best guess was to do it based on File Date=<Last 7 Days but it's not an option.

Is there a way to "tag lock" and "analysis lock" selected files to prevent unwanted updates or analyses?

There's no way to run a script to refresh Tag Info either.

The whole idea of Filters rely on the tags being correct, and recently changed files aren't showing up.

Thanks for any guidance!

geposted Sat 12 Aug 23 @ 9:58 am
I have the issue that even with reload tags, the newly tagged files dont show up in search, you still have to go to each file and use the arrow to populate and then save the file. that is not a solutions when i have updated like 1000s tracks with year and genre :(. is there any other way for VDJ to get the latest tags done through an external program? otherwise now i have to go to 1000 files individually. :(

geposted Thu 21 Sep 23 @ 3:09 pm
adamPRO SubscriberMember since 2022
Hi VDJ team,

I've recorded a video to illustrate the issue we're facing, showcasing the challenge in keeping recently updated tracks up to date in VirtualDJ.

In today's fast-paced DJ environment, and given the sheer volume of music DJs must consume, efficient tag management is essential. Many of us update our tracks' tags frequently using various software, and it's essential to reflect these changes in VirtualDJ without a convoluted process. The current limitation of needing to select multiple files to 'Reload Tags' is a significant hindrance, especially when changes are made to single files, or when we don't know which files have been updated.

I believe adding an automated 'reload tags' feature, or at least a VirtualDJ script verb for this purpose, would be a game-changer for many professionals. It's about streamlining our workflow and ensuring our libraries are always up to date with minimal manual intervention.

VirtualDJ is renowned for its innovation and responsiveness to user needs. Implementing this feature would not only enhance the software's functionality but also demonstrate the team's commitment to adapting to the evolving needs of the DJ community.

Thank you for considering this enhancement. Your efforts in continuously improving VirtualDJ are greatly appreciated.

geposted Sat 25 Nov 23 @ 6:43 am