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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Latency with ddj 1000
I'm having a little lag on the filter and my eq if I'm killing the lows . But my sound is great . Latency set to 256. If I adjust that to 128 . Will that fix my little delay issues.

geposted Sun 09 Apr 23 @ 3:45 pm
it will most likely cause latency sound artifacts if you set it that low 256 is already lower than most computers i own can handle.

you may want to explain these delay issues more maybe it's not caused by what you think

Ya so when I kill the lows or use the filter. Or adjust my gain . There is a small delay before it kicks on . But there is no delay on my screen. It's like the actual action happens then the audio parts kicks in . Hope this clears thing up a bit

you might try to adjust controllerTakeoverMode in "options -> Controllers" try "instant" option and see if that's what you are looking for

I'll try that wicked, thank you. As always your advice is great.

One other thing. Are you able to switch the latency value on the fly without causing any disruptions, during use?

Usually no.
That's up to the driver of the device.
Most drivers don't like changing their buffer while there are data inside them already. Especially when setting a smaller buffer, because they don't know what to do with the data of that one packet that's now overflowing the new buffer (and they simply "drop them" and that causes the audible stutter you hear)

Thanks again phantom. You responses are always quick and on point.