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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Broadcaster Skin
Ok so we can have it cycle through the different views but how do I omit some of the views??

geposted Wed 30 Aug 23 @ 9:24 pm
Rune? Any help? I want it to auto cycle but a few of the views I don’t want to see.

Any way to omit them on the Broadcaster video skin??

how are you cycling now?
I haven't seen a cycle function.

ah if you mean the padpage change the cycle button script to this
repeat_start 'broadcasterGFXcycle' ? on & repeat_stop 'broadcasterGFXcycle' : ( get_var 'broadcasterGFXtimer' & param_smaller 10000 ? set 'broadcasterGFXtimer' 30000 : ) & repeat_start  'broadcasterGFXcycle' `get_var 'broadcasterGFXtimer'` -1 & 
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 0 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 1 :
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 1 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 2 :
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 2 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 3 :
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 3 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 0 :

just remove the numbers of the variations you don't like.

oK perfect!! Ill try it in a few.

Thank you!!

Ok that worked perfectly with this script

repeat_start 'broadcasterGFXcycle' ? on & repeat_stop 'broadcasterGFXcycle' : ( get_var 'broadcasterGFXtimer' & param_smaller 10000 ? set 'broadcasterGFXtimer' 30000 : ) & repeat_start 'broadcasterGFXcycle' `get_var 'broadcasterGFXtimer'` -1 &
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 2 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 3 :
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 3 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 2 :

Now can I get it to switch cameras when it switches views as well??

I appreciate the help man 🙏🏾

help me out here, how are you switching cams?

On the Broadcaster pad page there's a "swap" button.

Ok I got it to work!!

I am using this script

"repeat_start 'broadcasterGFXcycle' ? on & repeat_stop 'broadcasterGFXcycle' : ( get_var 'broadcasterGFXtimer' & param_smaller 10000 ? set 'broadcasterGFXtimer' 30000 : ) & repeat_start 'broadcasterGFXcycle' `get_var 'broadcasterGFXtimer'` -1 & toggle '@$broadcasterGFXswitch' &
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 2 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 3 :
var '@$broadcasterGFX' 3 ? set '@$broadcasterGFX' 2 : "

It now switches the views and the cameras!! Just the way I wanted!!
Thank you!!

you're missing an & just after toggle '@$broadcasterGFXswitch'
but nice one, always good when a nudge gets understood,
[me;"how are you changing it?",
you;"that button there"
still you; *proceeds to look what that button does* ]

Haha!! Yup that's pretty much how it went lol!!

Appreciate ya man!!

Ok back with a follow up question.

How do I get the video samples to play in the window marked in the picture below??


video from the sampler routes straight to the master so probably slideshow on deck 4 is the easiest

Ok I can handle that.

1 more question and I’m done lol

How do I add my logo to the center?

See picture below


Nevermind, unzipped it and edited on my phone 😝