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Forum: Video Discussion

Topic: Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX Video Issues
So I used to work at a video bar in the mid-2000s and at that time we had a box that plugged into a VCR or DVD player and then went out to the TVs that were piggybacked from one to the next. I never had a problem. Now I am DJing at a bar I just started a few months ago and the first time I went I plugged in their HDMI cord to my laptop because it worked at home with one TV but they've got the cord going into a converter box out to six TVs. Only three would work then magically one night I came in and plugged the HDMI cord in and all six TVs worked then the following week I came in and we were back to three TVs working so the manager plugged a new HDMI cord from the converter box into my laptop and now only five TVs work. He told me he asked the other DJ and apparently I need to change my refresh rate? For one I have no idea how to do that and for two with that make the one TV work that doesn't?

It just seems odd to me when I first plug in the HDMI cord to my laptop the TV that doesn't work will flash a couple of times and you can see my background but then it just goes off so we end up just turning that one TV off. I just want to know how to get that one TV working. We've tried different HDMI cords from the converter box but the one they currently have seems to be the best one except for the one TV that doesn't work.

Also I have problems with videos that freeze even though the sound still plays and it will catch up but what can I do to stop that? It's just a simple HP laptop touch screen I got off Amazon for like $300 or $400 but one of the other DJs has a $2,000 gaming computer and has had issues with the TVs as well not as bad as me and then my shaders are all distorted. Could it be that my laptop is just not powerful enough to do the shaders and the videos that are on an external hard drive by the way. The only thing on my laptop is Virtual DJ and Microsoft edge. I just want that one TV to work and I don't want my videos freezing up. There's only two USB ports and one HDMI. I use one USB port for my external hard drive and then the other USB port I have a hub plugged in which goes to my controller and then an external mouse because I can't stand the mouse on the laptops.

I tried plugging my external hard drive into the hub and the controller into the USB by itself but nothing seems to work and then there's this thing with stems when I have a long mix. I've never had to deal with that before back in the day I just loaded the mixes and they would play with no problem after they loaded but sometimes these will stop for a couple of seconds and start back up. Just tell me what I am doing wrong in this whole scenario and I would appreciate it because for the most part I can get through a night I'm also losing not my cues but they used to automatically queue up when I started the laptop and the program now I have to hit the queue buttons that I've made otherwise they will start at the very beginning which some songs and videos have talking or whatever that's why I cue them up to the beat but the only way for me to make sure that it plays right each time is when I hit that one two three or four cue buttons and then that's where it will start when I hit play and it will queue it up on whatever button I choose.

I've been a DJ since I was 13 so this isn't my first rodeo by any means. I've been DJing for a long time but since Virtual DJ has upgraded so much since the mid 2000s I don't know all the ins and outs like I used to. I used to be able to record mixes for myself and now when I do it will stop the recording because of copyright infringement which I understand but I'm paying monthly for music through Virtual DJ and for my skin. If anybody can help me out with this I would appreciate it but my main focus is to figure out why this one TV will not work and why my videos sometimes freeze up except for the music and then long mega mixes don't always play right all the way through even though it's loaded on the deck. Any help would be appreciated.

geposted Thu 31 Aug 23 @ 7:00 am
it's multiple problems. The hdmi signal is degrading through the connections to the tvs. You need a signal amplifier somewhere between the chain of tvs. The refresh rate will also cause the tv to not show video and 'time out", make sure each tv can display 1080p and or 4k depending on the video format you are playing. Some tvs run at 30 or 60 or 120 refresh rate. The tv dropping off or not displaying probably has a low refresh rate.