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Forum: Video Discussion

Topic: Setting Background Video File Duration: It loops after 3 seconds
During a karaoke performance, when a karaoke track has finished and I play a regular song, the chosen background video begins to play, but only for 3 seconds.

How can I extend this to the full 2 minute video duration?

I am kicking myself because I have already done this but I cannot find out how I did it. I just spent two hours trying to remember how I did it.

geposted Thu 01 Feb 24 @ 10:34 pm
Yep - I am kicking myself again.

I just worked it out.

Click on "PERFORMANCE" , top bar.

To the right of that, "SELECT" (drop down menu) and select Video.

A new video preview panel appears across the middle of the screen. Click the "videofx" drop-down menu.

At the bottom of this, scroll down to "Slideshow" and click the small gear icon on the right of that selection.

Out pops a menu on the bottom right of the screen, giving you the option to select the FULL video duration.

Easy when you know how.

geposted Thu 01 Feb 24 @ 10:42 pm