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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Sampler fade on stop
Would it be possible to add an option for the sampler to have it stop the playing sample within a sample group as a slow fade instead of abruptly?

Abruptly is great for stacking and replacing music parts and finger drumming

But having a 4 beat or 4 sec fadeout would be great for when you load parts of tracks (or whole tracks) as samples to play quickly after each other using just one hand, for instance when doing wedding guest introductions while having a mic in your other hand

I’ve played with doing it using echo out and sample fx, but that affects both the outgoing sample and incoming sample (and it’s not really a fadeout)
I’ve also played with moving some samples on to other decks as tracks, and then control stopping them as a fade using script, but that gets messy really quickly

geposted Sun 05 May 24 @ 6:30 pm