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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Sampler edits don't stick
I've just been trying to edit some of my samples in the EA release, selecting which stem I want to mute, and sometimes changing the sample name.

However, the changes often don't get applied after confirming I want to save, and now I can't even click the edit cog on some samples. They refuse to open.

{LATER] It seems VDJ has taken to renaming stuff on its own.

geposted 7 days ago @ 3:47 pm
Yup samething here on my Mac.

If I resize something, save it, then open my changes werent saved.

geposted 7 days ago @ 4:57 pm
I guess we have to wait for full release to get some insight into how things work.

I've had a folder renamed with 'oldbank' added to the end, things showing in the browser as legacy, the right click option 'create new sample bank' just makes a folder with a 'bank' extension...

geposted 7 days ago @ 5:06 pm
try with the latest EarlyAccess build (b8454) if you still see the problem

geposted 7 days ago @ 9:14 pm
Working for me on M1 MacBook now, Thank you

geposted 7 days ago @ 9:20 pm