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Topic: A new starter needs technical help

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My question is probably at very elementary level and pertains technicality. Sorry for that but I really need to know something. I have been using the Virtual Dj's trial version for 3-4 days. Yet my biggest problem is that my computer has one headphone jack which I either connect to my stereo or have my headphones on. This means that I cannot play the master and listen to the cue at the same time. In other words,I cannot use the speaker system and headphones at the same time to deal with crossfading adjustments. When the master is on, I have to mess everything up to listen the cue for adjusting the bpm and other stuff. It does not sound right to me. Moreover, I have a birthday party this saturday and I want to perform something by using the program. How do you guys think I can overcome this problem? Is it all about soundcard or should I change something?
Many thanks in advance.
Please write your advices to --@--.--

Gokhan Yucel
Oxford/ UK

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry gokyucel no email address is allowed from a demo user

geposted Thu 11 Dec 03 @ 5:47 pm
If I understand you correctly you have a 1 soundcard 1 speaker system setup. And you are using the Demo version. Both of these combined equal the sum of your problem.

1. If you only have one output jack from your Audio Card (and only one audio card), thean you are by hardware prevented from "previewing" your mixes through your headphones while playing through your speakers.

2. You are using the Demo version of the VDJ software, to use the Headphone "preview" (if I am not mistaken) you need the full version.

Just out of curiousity, what type of soundcard do you have, it is very unusual for a soundcard not to have a speaker output *and* a headphone output.



geposted Thu 11 Dec 03 @ 5:58 pm
DJ RickPRO InfinityMember since 2003
You can in fact split the output from 1 stereo headphone jack to 2 seperate channels, but this sound configuration option is not available in the demo.

geposted Thu 11 Dec 03 @ 7:01 pm

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