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Forum: Old versions

Topic: WUAAAH ---- HEEEELP!!!!

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I do not know, how to configure Atomixmp3!!!
I have a Creative Value with 4 Speaker Support, and you wrote to the readme, I can use the rear-channel for headphones to monitor a song and front-channel for speakers, BUT HOW????!!!!
I choosed my soundcard in soundsetup, and now???

geposted Mon 23 Jul 01 @ 11:22 am
dj2nvHome userMember since 2004
Are you using a cracked-demo, demo or full Version???
Using the cracked version, it may look like its using the 3d soundcard mode, but the demo doesnt actually use 3d...

If ur usin the full version, plugplug the headfones into the rear, and the speakers into the front....


geposted Mon 23 Jul 01 @ 11:55 am
Actually I do not know, what I am using --- in about there is:

AtomixMP3 v.1.12

(c) CLAVEL 2000

For more info......

geposted Mon 23 Jul 01 @ 12:04 pm
OyyoDamsPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
You must have the full version for this feature.

geposted Mon 23 Jul 01 @ 1:00 pm
Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
sent a message to the lab (service@atomixmp3.com) with your serial

geposted Mon 23 Jul 01 @ 3:43 pm
DJtalonHome userMember since 2001
If you don't know, you PROBABLY DIDN'T BUY IT, DID YOU?

geposted Tue 24 Jul 01 @ 6:40 am
Hahahaha heeee heaaaa hahaha heeee hahaha ahaha ahahaha ahaha haaa hahaaa muaahahahahahaaaa, last post was funny, hahahahahahah heeeeeeeeeee
Buy it man

geposted Tue 24 Jul 01 @ 8:10 pm
alreaHome userMember since 2003
I do not know how you can have bought the 1.12.

geposted Sat 28 Jul 01 @ 2:56 am

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