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Topic: recording to a cd...no sound

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please help. i made a 44 min mix of some songs and saved to a wav. file. When I burned it to my cd, it would not play on my stereo. It would only play on the computer under windos media. I noticed that since I was mixing there was only one track. can anyone tell me or help me out as to what I may or may not have done wrong? I have never had a problem making cd's and this is the first time. Is there a way or trick to inserting tracks? How do I get the next mix to play on a cd player.

geposted Sat 04 Aug 01 @ 6:41 pm
You can insert trax w/ a cue sheet editing program. I use a program called cdrcue. It makes .cue files that are compatible w/ the burning program _Fireburner_. I don't think there is any way to cue in trax with Adaptec software. I had to buy these other programs just so I could insert trax. It was not too expensive. cdrcue-$20.00 fireburner- $30.00. Hope this helps Ya.

geposted Sat 04 Aug 01 @ 8:41 pm
try www.cdwave.com

its a free wave splitting tool that allows you to see the song visually and set split points and best of all....its FREE!!!

The Goner

geposted Sun 12 Aug 01 @ 7:42 am

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