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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Win 98 SE??? ME??? W2K???

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whic i must prefer: 98 SE , Me or W2K

geposted Wed 08 Aug 01 @ 8:10 pm
Depends what you want to do, and whether your computer can handle it. For most purposes, I find WinMe is the best and fastest, although on my parents computer Win2000 works faster and is better for networks (our computers are networked).

My computer is a AMD K6II 450, thats the one I use winme on, as 2000 runs too slowly. My parents have a AMD Athlon 1Ghz and they use Win2000 which works faster than WinMe on that machine.

geposted Wed 08 Aug 01 @ 9:18 pm
DJtalonHome userMember since 2001
98SE is much faster than Windows ME.

2K is better but slower.

geposted Sun 12 Aug 01 @ 7:43 am
I am using Win2K on a Dell Latitude Notebook, PII 366 and 128MB ram. No problems at all and I find Atomix is rock solid and havent had a problem yet. But basically you must use what ever your computer will support, if you dont have a fast machine then stick to Win95C, its relaiable enough and wont let you down when you playing.


geposted Fri 17 Aug 01 @ 12:25 pm

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