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Forum: Old versions

Topic: No sound in right que

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The left "table" works fine, but when I fade to the right I don't get anything. The player shows the song is playing and the volume is all the way up, but there is no sound. I'm running a Sound Blaster Live MP3+, Win2K, 256 RAM, and Altec Lansing ADA880 Speakers. I'm running the line out with a single 1/8" cord. Could that be it? How can I fix this?


geposted Wed 29 Aug 01 @ 6:03 am
You might be playing the monitor output instead of the main mix output. To check this, click on the LED of either decks (which show which deck is active). If the sound switches, here you are. Go to the sound configuration pannel and select the correct output (or try plugging the jack in the other plug of your 3D card).

geposted Wed 29 Aug 01 @ 10:33 am

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