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Topic: reactivity and wave speed - Page: 1

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i thought when you select med. reactivity it makes the pc react as it did prior to 3.0 update, but where the waves so jerky looking back then, i can't use anything other then fast because the waves being jerky make my eyes bug.

geposted Wed 21 Sep 05 @ 10:06 pm
I tried adjusting this setting too, and your right, it seems to be no good for your eyes!.

It depends on your current hardware, I use Reactivity in MED because in HIGH my songs jump time to time (about .5 sec) and with Reactivity in MEDIUM I don't have that problems anymore... But My computer refresh quickly and I don't have a big diference. I found that P4 2.8GHz and above may use Reactivity in MEDIUM and still have a good visual of VDJ.

they show make it smoother, i would think a faster system would be better in high mode anyways. So to me it kind of backwards. i always run fast since it looks better, sound has not been an issue seems to run pretty solid, but in TCV mode i get small .5 sec breaks maybe ever 10-15 min. not really a bad problem but fix hopefully when i add RAM. i'll have to try med. again

I recently upgraded to 3.1 only for the Radio purpose of listeners being able to view the songs being played, but I am not impressed at all. I prefer 2.06 hands down!. I am not interested in the Video mixing options that V3 offers. In 3.1 the whole system seems to jerky and I never had that problem with 2.06. The wavelengths are choppy even in medium reactivity and it becomes difficult to mix with that stuff happening. Even when I slide the Bass down on the outgoing song, the songs freeze momentarily...all things that were not present in 2.06. I just might downgrade back to the older version soon. I may not upgrade until the sound engine is improved in the future....


i think your right maddsound, back before 3.10 the waves couldn't have been that choppy. I was playing with med. and fast and i think there is almost no difference in performance for my system. I only think i'd be risking my health if i were to try and use slow, those waves would be so jerky i'd probably have a seizure. For the most part fast runs fairly well on my pc i just need RAM, if i use 2 card mode without TCV its flawless, but why have an option to slow the reactivity down to help smooth things out on your lower system if you need a powerful setup to get the waves to stop jerking? for the EQ ..do you do A preflight warm up? you have to move all the knobs and make sure they work 1st.

I use the medium reactivity, because it gives more priority to the audio than the waveforms, means less chance of skipping. This is enough reason for me.
If you find the waveforms not smooth running (med setting) there is a reactivity value in registry you can experience with it, The medium setting is not exactly the same as the default in version 2.06. I dont remember the exact values but search the forum, i think DjCel wrote a post about this.
As for the skip/mute when changing the eq (sliders/faders) this is an old and known bug.
I have also reported it (many times) and waiting for a fix.

Listen 2,

I have a P4 540 3.2GHz, with 1.5GB of DDR2 533MHz RAM in dual channel and I have to use Reactivity in Medium like said Apopsis, because I have skip problems with Reactivity in High.

Well I guess I'm one of the lucky ones :), P4 2.6, 512 DDR RAM, reactivity on high and no skips, I also use the HDJC and external mixer, but this is one of those things, It's not all about specs.

Well with my 1.7 and 256 RAM TCV is skipping here and there but not as often as you might think, if i use without TCV it pretty smooth on fast with no skips, i was trying to find the regedit piece to edit the med reactivity that makes the waves smoother? no luck ;( but my point was visually med.(2.06) didn't look jerky did it? why does 3.10 do that then?

I have no skips at normal usage,
(...expect the known skips in disk streaming, and eq tweeking)
but sometimes i do other things (like cd burning) at the same time...

Anyway guys
I made the tests for you, about reactivity value.

Fast = 10
Medium= 40
Slow = 100
2.06(not sure) = 30

Open regedit and go to:
Then find the reactivity setting.
Double click and set "decimal"
use a value between 10 (fast) and 40 (medium) if : fast produces skipping for you
and waveforms in medium are not good looking.
Let me know.

Thanks Apopsis I try 30 (and others) and test VDJ.

what is the hexdecimal and what should that be at? just in case i touched it in error, its funny VDJ says other in the reactivity box then if you switch it to fast you can't get other back without another regedit. still testing. thanks

Hexadecimal is a 16 number base. 0-9 and from A-F (to define 10-15), you have from 0-F (16 digits) that's why is called hexadecimal. In decimal we have 10 digits (0-9) that why is called that way.

In hexadecimal we can represent higher values in less space (decimal 65535=FFFF hexadecimal).

The computers use a binary base (2 digits: 0-1) and from there we can do "words" (8 bits). When we use 4 bits we can represent 16 values (2^4=16), since decimal isn't efficent in computers, came the hexadecimal format instead. (I need 4 bits to represent 10=1010=A and 16=1111=F, decimal-binary-hexadecimal)

To technical I guess...

If you modify in hexa, don't worry... modify again and select decimal and type decimal value.

the hex changes itself anyways so no worries, cool was actually working almost very skip free on TCV at 28 and waves were not giving me seizures, any way to keep that other personal set option as well as fast, med, slow?

acw_dj: You know your stuff :)
Anyway, is there similar problems if you have a DUAL CORE processor, or (doubt anyone have) DUAL CPU based systems?

I really surprise because I notice this Reactivity issue in powerful computers... It doesn't have sense to me.

I really think with a Dual Core processor (or better a dual core with HT) must run better. I think we have to "tune" VDJ Reactivity for each system in particular. I feel the dual core processors are no exception, but maybe the current defaults for high reactivity match these systems.

well i'm glad i had mentioned this issue, i used vdj last night with 2 cards/external mixer and it was ro ro rock solid mixing, although i think it was skip free on fast but this will just avoid any chance of skips at all. the best thing it did was make my TCV only skip .5sec about every 10-15 min. so that is a little plus, keep in mind i using 256 ram :(

Even with 256 ram it is unacceptable to skip unless you play songs from hard disk (not loaded in mem) or swap file is used.
Try Alt+control+del often and check the memory used.
It looks like xxx /yyy
where, xxx =used mem:(windows+apps)
yyy= total mem: (physical+swapfile)
If used mem is less or equal to 256, you should not have any problem
I think you can mix 5min (or more) songs without spipping.
Check the running services and background programs, to release some wasted mem.

EDIT: try to use one soundcard setup (not in advanced config) and see if skipping still exist.

well which is it??? i was told for TCV 256 would not cut it. I will have to get back to you with the actual ram being used #'s but before running VDJ i have about 189-199 used by xp, when VDJ is in use it uses about 360+ . If using without TCV, just 2 cards and mixer is runs perfect, i always thought TC use more..
