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Topic: Compiling the DAC-3 mapper SDK - Page: 2

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bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hey guys,

Not to change the subject too much because I still can't wait for the DAC-3 plugin but I have one quesiton.

I'm not to happy with the scratching capaibilities of the dac 3. I was thinking of getting 1 turntable via time code for scratching in conjunction with my DAC-3.

How would I set this up in the configurations?.

Any thoughts

geposted Tue 06 Dec 05 @ 8:10 pm
You can use TCV or TCCD's alongside the DAC-3 (And other controllers.) The timecode_active shortcut is used to activate and deactivate timecode control of the music. When active, shortcut buttons on the DAC-3 can still be used (FX, loops, etc.)

I'm not too sure how well a single turntable will work, but I think it is possible to switch it between controlling either deck in VDJ (Obviously only effective if timecode is active on that deck.)

geposted Tue 06 Dec 05 @ 9:05 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Excellent!. Thank you Jboggis again. I'll probably look at buying 2 turntables. I like all the functionallity of the DAC 3 but I want to have the real feel of scratching.

geposted Tue 06 Dec 05 @ 11:07 pm
I also use TCV in conjunction with the DAC-3, and with his mapper it works really well :)
I also use the widescreen vinylvideo skin.
@jpboggis - just had a look at your blog - our setups are so similar its scary !! I will try and get some pics on my blog this weekend !

geposted Thu 08 Dec 05 @ 12:54 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Has JpBoggis mapper been released?. I've been looking for it the past few days and don't see anything.

geposted Thu 08 Dec 05 @ 3:24 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
I don't think so

geposted Thu 08 Dec 05 @ 3:42 pm
My new mapper hasn't been released quite yet - I'm still working on fixing a number of bugs and finishing off the video mixing features. I'll try and get it finished over the weekend if time allows (This will also give people a chance to test it before using it live.)

geposted Thu 08 Dec 05 @ 4:00 pm
Sorry - I was referring to his midi mapper - not his new 'dll based' one (which I think you can download a beta version of). Be patient guys - He is doing this for love of the VDJ and the DAC-3, not for any financial return - it is unfair to rush him.

geposted Thu 08 Dec 05 @ 5:44 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
No rush here. I'm aware that we need the support of the community to get the add-ons for the software. To be honest, I'm more interested in V2 of his DLL when it's mappable. The first version will be to test and play around with.

geposted Thu 08 Dec 05 @ 5:56 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Any updates on status of the mapper?.

geposted Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 1:33 pm
Still working on it - Some of the bugs have been quite time consuming to fix.

geposted Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 4:48 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Ughhh! I'm assuming that making it mapple with an XML will take much longer too. Keep us posted with your advancements. Your work is greatly appreciated by the community.

Do you know who we could talk to to make the current native support for the DAC 3 better than it currently is?

Whoever created it really didn't think it through regarding the functionality (I.e cue buttons, etc)

geposted Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 6:10 pm
Yes, the XML mapper will take quite a bit of work, although I have been writing the current code with this in mind to make it easier to implement. The initial v2.0 version will require editing the XML by hand, but once that's sorted, I'll look into making a graphical front-end for it too (Similar to the XP10 mapper.)

I don't know who created the current native DAC-3 support (I assume someone in the dev team?) It's a shame they didn't try my MIDI mappings first and base their native driver mappings on that.

I don't use the built-in native support (Don't like the mappings) - I continued using my MIDI mapper, but have now switched to using v0.4 of my mapper DLL, which is very basic (Has most of my MIDI mappings implemented except video stuff), but is stable.

I'm now upto v0.8, which has most features implemented (Including the auto video crossfading feature I meantioned previously and much improved jogwheel behaviour.) Just need to get all the bugs sorted and it will be ready for release.

Perhaps they might replace the built-in support with my mapper when it's finished :)

geposted Wed 14 Dec 05 @ 7:25 pm
Is the version on your webspace 0.4 ? - I might like to use that too in the meantime, Not worried too much about the video stuff, as I use the evo x-session midi thing for that. Great work so far :)

geposted Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 6:24 pm
I can't remember whether I uploaded 0.4 or not - The version in my webspace might be older than that.

I'm not far off finishing the v1.0 mapper now - Just need to get it to load/save user parameters and one other small bug to fix and it will be ready. It will need a bit of testing as v0.9 before I upload the finished DLL to VDJ plugins.

geposted Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 7:56 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
use the register to know the path to save and i advise you a .ini file to simplify

I have just sent you an e-mail for christmas ;-)

geposted Thu 15 Dec 05 @ 8:14 pm
I've now released v1.0 of my DAC- mapper DLL. This should hopefully appear on the VDJ download pages shortly.

geposted Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 6:06 pm
Great news. Many many thanks !

geposted Sat 17 Dec 05 @ 6:13 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
It still hasn't been uploaded. Where is it?.

geposted Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 3:40 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Soon ;-)

geposted Sun 18 Dec 05 @ 7:28 pm