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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Bug! Don't use jpegs and gif for slide shows [FIXED]

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Do you have the same problem? I found a bug in VDJ 3.2. If you select jpegs or gif files for the video slide show VDJ loads every pic into the RAM and the swap-file. After a while the prog crashes. If you use bitmaps vdj unloads the pics after showing it without a crash.



geposted Mon 12 Dec 05 @ 12:12 pm
Weird? convert them to bmp then :)
lots of progs that batch convert pics.

geposted Mon 12 Dec 05 @ 6:37 pm
Of course, i did it. but I was confused before I found the bug.

geposted Mon 12 Dec 05 @ 11:32 pm
I have had the same...with the slide show too...

geposted Tue 13 Dec 05 @ 12:32 am
this is so common, first as a designer, bmp is huge in size compared to gif or jpeg. I refuse to email and add pics and change them. 99% of the pictures i have as slides are jpegs. this issue needs to be resolved. also i wasnt happy with the text not having a way to change the font. I have 20000 store bought fonts i would love to load. the video also needs a custom logo ability. I believe if im going to do some thing incredible im not going to do it half assed!!!!! thanks for starting this forum,

geposted Mon 15 May 06 @ 10:19 am
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

geposted Mon 15 May 06 @ 11:00 am

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