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Topic: Beat Matching and Mixing with TCV'S - Page: 1

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Ive been using Virtual Dj with just my Laptop hooked up to an external Mixer amp and speakers for about 2 years now and Im just getting my TCV'S pretty soon.. i wanted to know is there any difference in beatmatching and beatmixing with a pair of turntables and time coded vinyls than just doin it with the program and how do u go about beatmatching with the TCV hardware. This will be my first pair of turntables so I just wanted to know if their were any tips u guys had on mixing (not scrathcing) with TCV'S as opposed to just the program

geposted Mon 12 Dec 05 @ 1:37 pm
it works just the same way, i have auto-beatmatch on mine so i never have to touch the pitch on the tables. The only time i would is to correct a BPM that is off or just as to drop to a lower pitch for a scratch. You can have it set either way, if you want to have the software change the pitch or turn the function and do it manually on the turntables.

now making sure the beats are each the same pitch is done on the u also sync and nudge still on the program when u have TCV'S?

Let me also make sure i have my terms "auto beatmatching" making sure both songs have the same tempo? (i.e. both songs are at a 96 bpm)?


correct, both will be at the same far as a nudge or anything like that will be done on the turntable as it is easier to correct and make the adjustments. You still could is you wanted to nudge, etc. on the screen with your mouse or a shortcut but i think you will see that touching the music will give you better control, you just have to learn and adjust to the TCV. Basicly the TCV will on give you a "hands on" feel and still most of the functions will done in the software.

Thanks for helping me out listen..and by the way..ur set up is sick! all the EQ adjustments and fading are done on my mixer now as well right?

yes all the fading and eq controls are done on the external mixer, i think you will see better when you actually try them. Most the controls are still used in the program, that is the reason some people like xp10's, and hurcules and others since you can map function to buttons.

DJ Focus here is what I currently use to better my TCV experience.

2 TTxs, 1 Pioneer DJM-909, 1 Ozone workstation (midi controller)

now as far as equipment goes I still use my old behringer VMX-300 mixer as a backup.

mixing with the TCVs is exactly how Listen2 mentioned although the midi controller is mapped to control my effects and samples as well as loops in VDJ so I spend less time in front of the PC and more time in front of the decks.

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

Dj White Devil, How much does a midi controller cost? And what exactly does it do. What are some good ones? And where can i get them?

Thanks so much

midi controllers go from anywhere around $100 to thousands

i plan on buying the akai mcd16 for use with effects and samples

most use keyboard type midi controllers

just look on pretty much any website that sells dj equipment and look at the midi controllers

all a midi controller does is controll the software wit VDJ so basically its hardware to control software

So all the loops and effects i could set up using the midi controller? How in the world is that possible? Wow how would i set that up?

its possible because all it does is trigger the software just like if you clicked a mouse.

i have never mapped a controller myself but white devil mapped his for loops effects samples etc.

someone else may have more insight on actually how to map but as far as i know

go into the settings on vdj, under remote control enable the midi checkbox

then goto keyboard shortcuts and set up the responses to each button slider etc.


Damn....i swear this program gets better everyday! Any suggestion Dj Gauge on what midi controllers to look at? Can u recommend like 5. Thanks so much?

DJ Focus

And also...if you had a midi controller...would that negate the need for a set of XP10'S?

Focus, take a look at the DJ console mk2 or the DJ Control mp3 too. Not midi (although you could if you wanted), but great controlers for the price!

Now the Dj Mk2....i typed that in and the Hercules console came that what ur talkin bout?

And what exactly is the difference between those consoles u recommended bambi and just a st8 midi controller. Any advantages or disadvantages?

Thanks all of you guys for the help

well now when you get into using jogs midi will give you issues. i would only suggest using midi to trigger effects samples loops etc... here is a short list of some i would think about using.

there are hundreds of options for midi so just threw a little of everything in there, even a midi footcontroller lol

lemme know if you need more info


i purchased my hercules dj console mk2 yesterday and i think it is a great idea for any dj. plus it can be used as ASIO soundcard for use with TCV.


Oh so gauge...ur gonna use the Hercules instead of the TCV option to mix?
