
Forum: Old versions

Topic: I have been happy with VDJ, Until the Transfer...

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When I transfereed from VDJ 2.whatever to version 3.3, my troubles started. First of all I don't care about nor want video. Some people may, but not me.

I don't get how to transfer databases. After reloading by hand my previous database (since transfers don't work or your average person can not figure it out...For sure there are no actual directions anywhere that I could find) something went wrong and I now have to reload once again.

It is a pain, I don't want to do it. So, is there any painless way to transfer music and data from one laptop to another? I just want to preserve BPM, comments and the music. Is that too much to ask?


geposted Thu 19 Jan 06 @ 6:03 am
Step 1- Back up your VirtuaDJ folder i.e. the one found in C:\\program files\\VIRTUALDJ < yes this one from your original laptop. That's if you installed VDJ to your C:\\ drive. Copy it to a floppy, cd or hardrive, anywhere u want. I mean the whole folder.

Step 2- Install your VDJ to the new laptop. e.g. C:\\program files\\VIRTUALDJ

Step 3- delete this folder(VIRTUALDJ the one found in step 2) and REPLACE(don't overwrite) it with the one you backed up in step 1.

I'm assuming u still have your cue points, BPM's n all that good stuff on the old laptop. If u do this, you'll have all your stuff on the new laptop. If i'm not clear for a certain reason feel free to ask. Good luck.

Just a little help with the paths. ACW

Well if he deletes the whole map (including all .exe and .dll files) and replaces it with previous version folder, it probably won't work, or at least the 2.xx version will be 'installed' not 3.xx.

What you need to do is install the same version you had on your previous laptop on a new computer, copy the "mp3database.txt" & "VirtualDJ Database.xml" from old computer, and upgrade normaly to version 3.xx. It should keep all the data normally, at least I had no problems upgrading :)

It's true that version 3.xx uses a bit more resources than 2.xx, might run a bit slower (on slower computers ~ < 1.6 ghz), but I'm guessing you have a new computer so you shouldn't having such problems. Video options also shouldn't bother you, I don't use them either and have no troubles ;)


@erxon. Yeah you're right i missed the 2.xx to 3.xx part.

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