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Topic: virtualdj version 4 - can we take off the 3 effect slots? - Page: 2

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I use all available effect slots and even wish I had more. As a mainly hip hop /r'n'b DJ, the efx alllows me to be even more creative with my mixes and transitions. It would be nice if you can use more than one efx at a time. Right now, using more than one efx at a time could spell doom. Also, what is the use of a drop down when you still have to go to the panel and modify some default settings as some do not stay the way you like them configured. You can take away the efx pannel and just have the buttons(not buttons) with a drop down and a pop up window show for the settings, also, keyboard shortcut that can open/close the 3 effect settings on a single panel.

Just my 2 cents.


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 1:07 am
I prefer it as it is with 3 separate FX slots. I rarely use more than one at once, but it's useful to be able to directly access 3 different FX via FX/Apply/Auto on my DAC-3.

Perhaps a shortcut could be added to allow FX #1 to be selected/changed as per video FX.

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 1:08 am
As it is now, VDJ is an awesome live remixing tool as the three effects are easily available to activate at will. I use all the slots religiously in most of my mixes as it adds to the dimension of the mix. I would love to see the effects either stay as they are or even be increased...

But to echo another posters opinion...thank you for considering all of our input in this matter.


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 1:18 am
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
don't we already have a keyboard shortcut for the effect? if not do as was said earlier in the post and add a keyboard shortcut then u can do away with it on the skin lol

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 1:56 am
To all, please keep in mind that the use of FX varies with each persons style. I always warn that some styles/genres are much more relaxed than others. So, where for example a house or trance dj would have quite a bit of time to choose or setup FX (because there or long transitions or even the inividual trax themselves are played or long periods) HipHop, Reggae, R&B/Disco djs don't usually have as much time. So any method requiring you to stop and choose an FX can be too time consuming. If the FX is simply available on a hotkey/shortcut, much like the sampler works now, then everybody can be happy.

The ability to map the current FX to a shortcut already exists. I think it is only the limitation of having 3 at a time per deck that is the problem. Isn't vDJ great ?!

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 2:04 am
Dev staffHome userSenior staffMember since 2003
Ok so it seems that some of you do need to activate two effects at the same time.

So what about having a "main" effect slot, where you can quickly change the effect loaded (through popup list or through shortcuts), activate/deactivate, and change the main parameters (wet/dry and freq?) from the main interface.
Then you have a second smaller "second" effect slot, available only from the effect pannel, that lets you apply a second effect simulaneously on top of the first.

Would that be ok?

Also a few of you brought to attention the problem of parameters. In v4, the effect parameters will be automatically saved/restored, so you can switch between effects without loosing your settings.
What concern me just now is what parameters should be present on the main skin.
First shot would be to say "wet/dry" and "control" knobs, which is the standard for DJ effects.
But, we all know that virtualdj introduced new kind of effects, that don't have any use for a wet/dry and frequency parameter.
So here's the next poll: Which effects do you use most, "wet/dry and frequency"-based effects (like flanger, filter, echo, etc), or "rhythm"-based effects (like beatgrid, etc)?
And what effect controls would you like to see on the main skin (and be able to map on keyboard or controllers)?

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 2:24 am
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
Dev staff, i don't really like the idea.
It's not that i need more than 1 fx at the time but (although i do sometimes),
But this will change the way we use the effects and make it difficult :

Too much mouse work (go to dropdown menu and choose the effect)
Controls in the main skin page... ? Why ? Do we need a complex interface like traktor ?

I like the way it is now, i call it : DIRECT ACCESS...
The effects are pre-selected and you can choose and activate the effect you want DIRECTLY, with a shortcut key. And the effects page for tweeking...

My suggestions:
1. Add another 3 slots (6 total)
Just 3 more small buttons in the skin, nothing heavy...

2. Improve the midi control for the effects.
Now only the first effect slider is midi mappable.

3. A master section, for eq, limiter, etc.

4. Filter section bult in (not as effect) like in Traktor (midi mappable)


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 2:32 am
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i use flanger and beat grid a lot


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 3:06 am
Personally, it sometimes happens to me to use 2 effects simultaneously. I 've never used 3 of them at the same time, but 2 yes, regularly...
So maybe it-s a great idea to give us the possibility to swithc fastly effects with only one button, but in another hand, it cuts down us by the simultaneous effects. for me it's important to have 2 effects to se at one moment, and per song. So, for me the best way to give us (me) more flexibilty with effects is to simply add more button on the skin. Today, they're only 3 button to apply effects.

What i'm thinking about ...
mhm ..
I propose 3 bouttons to apply the effects (they already exist today) and 6 buttons to select the effects by order of importance.

To summarize, I propose 3 bouttons to apply the effects and 6 buttons to select the effects by order of importance. I propose that they are directly on the graphic interface to save time at the time of handling.


WSTBRG (France)

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 3:27 am
Please keep at least two. How can we run two effects at the same time. Especially for the karaoke plugin. kayup and down feature into a backspin for instance. Unless you will be able to key change without the plug in 4.0... ;)

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 3:33 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
what about Channel assignable effects? with wet/dry knob/slider for effects where applicable.

I suggest you work on producing some new professional Effects and include them with the software as default effects, Standard effects which everyone uses, flanger, reverb, phaser, filter, delay etc, you did the beatgrid which is very good and is well suited for a default effect.

As for the design the current one suffers, it could really be enhanced, but the screen is a good idea, I don't think we need to lose that 'part' of the program.

Being able to apply multiple effects together is one of VDJ's strong points, it also means as Apopsis said DIRECT ACCESS, fast access, no messing, lets not scrape a blessing, rather I think it should be enhanced.

Your idea reminds me of what Pioneer have implemented, I wouldn't aspire to their effects layout, VDJ's is much better, but it could be easier on the eyes.

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 3:40 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
3 effects per deck is a bit too few for me, but 6 effects loaded and assignable to which ever deck/output would be perfecto.

As for 2, seems like a strange number, I think 3 or 6 is better, with channel assignable effects it means you could potentially have 6 effects pre-loaded assignable to Chan1, Chan2 or Master, that would be the daddy.


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 3:45 am
I second Bagpuss Idea of 6 assignables effects...

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 5:12 am
Going to one effect button for audio is unacceptable. I use multiple effects during my mixes. Let us decide how many effects should be available through the customization of the skins, but keep the default at 3 - 6.

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 5:28 am
Thats right,

I use the flanger and loopout fx at the same time quite a bit.
Going from 3 to 1 or 2, would a big fall back, not a improvment. But adding 3 more buttons,
would make this program that much more powerful. Most people like options, even if they don't use them. They like to know its there if they ever need it. I say leave it how it is, or preferabley add to it, but don't make it less than what it is now.

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 7:26 am
I do not use VDJ effect.

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 8:09 am
I agree with more effects slots. Regarding the whole drop down menu for effects, it wouldnt really be making it easier to change effects, but rather harder, i like keeping my effects assigned to certain slots so i know where they are.

What worries me is, say you go to your new effects system, and i was playing wih the flanger, then i change to the backspin for wutever reason. While my mind is on mixing, i want to throw in another effect. Thinking i still have the flanger loaded, i enable the effect. OOPS music stops cause i forgot to select the flanger after i changed it to the backspin effect :P

More effect slots would be great.


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 9:17 am
The way it is now, works well for me. More would be fine. I like that my favorites, are already loaded. Because I blend, I am holding my mixes a long time. I can use 4 effects at a time(2 per deck). I have never used 3 on a deck at one time, but if I had more choices, I would be able to switch between them all, easier. It would give me more choices, with less work. The whole pull down thing, seems to be going backwards, to me. I only use the up and down(for pitch) and left and right(video crossfade) as keyboard shortcuts. Maybe I will look into more shortcuts for the effects. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 9:38 am
Slash4PRO InfinityMember since 2003
To be honest, I almost never use more than 1 effect at the same time, but that can happen. THE important feature for me is the free EFX Mapping. Why not include EFX1 'direct access' on main skin and maintain EFX 2-3-4 in the Effect page ? If you do that, the user can map each EFX launch with shortcuts like he always did.

Or better : create 2 EFX slots just like you said and give the ability to create improved shortcuts which selects the effect and launch it at the same time :

Example : shortcut Ctrl+Y : Load EFX Flange on EFX slot 1
shortcut Ctrl+Y : Launch EFX slot 1

That permits to keep our old habits (XP10 EFX buttons)


PS : I'm wondering : if you put the EFX on main skin, what will be the sound stream provided to EFX 'input' ? Deck 1 or 2 like today, or master mix ? or the 3 at choice ?? If you do that, shortcuts should be improved a little more : shortcut Ctrl+Y : Assign EFX slot 1 to Deck1/2/MasterMix.

And it would be GREAT :-) Mmmm add Delay to scratches..

geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 9:46 am
lol42PRO InfinityMember since 2004

I use always more than 2 effects. Because i have always the 16 band equalizer plugin activated and i use often effects like flanger, echo...

I think it's too few for me only 3 effects per decks...

Best regards,


geposted Wed 15 Mar 06 @ 10:11 am