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Topic: Net-based Radio

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jeemmHome userMember since 2006
I am dj-ing physically like 2 or 3 in a month but i think that is just cauz of my age i am 17 so i am not really able to play in huge clubs etc.. so i am thinkin of dj-ing in a net-based radio so that i can at least stream something. So my question is do u know any net-based radio? Thank you very much...

P.S. It can be any software...In fact I dont use VirtualDj(still using BMP Pro) yet but considering buying a VirtualDJ copy...(Winamp(Shouthcast) or any other software)

geposted Sun 28 May 06 @ 1:07 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
destiny Global radio project

add me to ur msn djdebange@skyfxlmedia.com

to apply/more info

geposted Sun 28 May 06 @ 2:09 am

geposted Sun 28 May 06 @ 3:56 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i thought you where out of slots , :O!!

geposted Sun 28 May 06 @ 11:47 am
jeemmHome userMember since 2006
thnx but any other ideas????

geposted Tue 30 May 06 @ 8:04 pm
You can rent your own radio server too.

geposted Wed 31 May 06 @ 12:58 am
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Just go to shoutcast.com, you will see a list of thousands of radio stations. You'll be able to find contact info from there.

geposted Wed 31 May 06 @ 2:04 am
U115PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Yes you can find contact spécially i think on the shoutcast forum or winamp forum.
If you want to create a webradio, you must have a good internet connexion to have a good numbers of auditors.
You can find tutorial on the net or on the blog of Virtual DJ.

You can see a list of webradio on the site where we go to vote for VDJ radio: lemeilleurduweb but it s french webradio.


geposted Sun 04 Jun 06 @ 3:32 am

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