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Topic: VDJ on XP on MAC BOOK - Page: 1

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Hi, Ive read posts about VDJ on XP on the new MAC INTEL laptops runring BOOTCAMP.
How well does it run on a MAC BOOK (not the MAC BOOK PRO)?

Any issues with sound or video? Does it work as well as on a PC>


geposted Thu 29 Jun 06 @ 2:56 am
I just know about working on iMac. But there will be also Mac version of VDJ (v4.0) ;)

well how does it work on an imac? What Imac do you have?

never had a problem yet my mac book eat vdj up no lockup only thing can't disable on board speakers

I have iMac core duo and works great (but problem with speakers) :)

I had a MacBook [just upgraded to MacBook Pro for non VDJ reasons] running VDJ on winBlows xPee Pro?... yeah right... windows Pro. =P

Worked fine for the month that I had it and at the gigs I used it for. Just swap out one of the stock 256MB ram chips for a 1GB chip [giving you a total of 1,256MB's] and you'll see a world of difference. Swap out the other one to max out the MacBook at 2GB's and you'll be even happier [obviously].

The ULTIMATE experience will be when we get our Mac version of VDJ 4 and can dump winBlows in the trash where it belongs and give that hard drive space back to our Mac. =)

- winBlows Pro - it's an amateur piece of software
- miCrapsoft "works" - no it doesn't
- miCrapsoft winBlows Operating System - it doesn't "operate" systematically. The "system" is making the end-user fix it all the time.


sorry but you mac users are all the same. pretty boring. i'm all for mac's, even considering a power book myself for reliability but i sure as hell won't be pasting forums slating microsoft or windows and it's users. it's predictable, boring and a little bit sad. get over it ;)

Any one run videos with the Mac BOOK? I was trying to determine if i needed the mac book pro's video card or if i could get away with VDJ on a regular mac book.

My friend has a dell laptop specd' out with a similar video (intel integrated) card and it runs well on his.

MY HP has a ATI radeon pci express with dediated memory and i am looking to switch over to a MAC BOOK so I was looking for some comments on how well the video works.

Perhaps the VDJ guys will provide h/w specs for the MacBOOKS..


secretsoul wrote :
sorry but you mac users are all the same. pretty boring. i'm all for mac's, even considering a power book myself for reliability but i sure as hell won't be pasting forums slating microsoft or windows and it's users. it's predictable, boring and a little bit sad. get over it ;)

You mean MacBook or MacBook Pro. Those are the PowerBook replacements.

If you consider it "boring" when a computer works, and "excitement" to be fixing computers that don't work, then yes, I'm boring.

I consider excitement to be focusing on what I can accomplish reliably with VDJ, NOT worrying about the next windows failure.

Get educated. ;)

@ ConQuest.. lol ;)

I do respect you, and your enthusiasm for Mac, and also the kind words about VDJ Mac version to come, on Mac forums.. :)

But please leave the "convert everybody to Mac" behind;) You had your 10++ posts about it already..
And you have also said plain out that you worked for Apple, and still are kind of.. hehe.
This forum already have the PC vs Mac thread, where you where participating strongly.. hehe.

You hare entitled to you opinion.. yes:) But you have expressed it many times already..
And sure you can still post positive things about Mac, but maybe just be positive and constructive about that, without slamming PC's at the same time:) Works better for converting people too I think;) hehe

Many people want to use PC's with Microsoft, many people want to use Mac's.
Lets just accept that.. and be constructive about that:)

I have both Mac and PC (win) - and both run fine.

You can be constructive and post your views on Mac still - sure some are interested in that.
But the ever slamming on the Microsoft thing and PC users.. well, like Secretsoul said, it gets old and boring. Because many of us use PCs, that works great, and you saying to us that it doesn't, only makes it pretty transparent you favour Mac's strongly and don’t like Microsoft. Well that fine, you’re entitled to that ;) But you don’t have to express it all the time, and try so hard to make anyone convert to Mac ;) hehe

Anyways, VDJ will be for both platforms.. So anyone can have a choice, their OWN choice..

Happy mixing :)


Ok, great! Back to my question...

Does the current MACBOOK (NOT PRO) run videos out the Svideo port well running windows xp with bootcamp?

ConQuest wrote :
Get educated. ;)

and that just makes you sound like an arrogant patronising...well, i'll leave it at that. you are boring, simple as that.

Okay "dj-in-Norway", I'll keep my microsoft windows bashing down to a minimum, unless I'm windows bashing threads which will definately become prominent on this forum as soon as VDJ 4 for Mac comes out. =P

If anyone is wondering what my "problem" is with bill gates, microsoft, and windows, it's basically that I don't support white collar criminals [bill gates], convicted criminal organizations [microsoft - 3x in less than 5 years by 3 countries; US, EU, South Korea] , or stolen intellectual property [windows has never been anything but a "reverse engineered" aka stolen from Apple, cheap, faulty copy of Mac OS, as testified to by microsoft engineers in the court trial against them].

It's as simple as that.

@ secretsoul - "get over it ;)", as you originally said to me and as you put it, "sound like an arrogant patronising".

Isn't it ironic that boring, simple people are always quick to judge things that they don't/can't comprehend as boring and simple?

Oh yeah... ;)

I, for one am not wondering what your problem with Bill Gates is. I don't care. Your jumping up and down constantly about Macs, is boring and childish. It is also fruitless. Only a handful of people in the world use Apple computers. What percentage of computers in the world run Windows? What is it, something like 90%? I rest my case. Now can we find something more meaningful to discuss, because this is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

guess its just the beginning ;) hehe

When VDJ for MAC is out, I guess there will be lots of :
- "that feature works fine on the Mac version, so use MAC" , or "no such issues with the PC version, why dont you use PC istead" etc;) hehe

Oh well... ;)

We will see ;)


I'm going to offer somewhat of a truce here, and furthermore offer those who want it, some truth in the face of mass misinformation. I know that it is not your guys' fault that you don't have access to the information that I have, but believe me when I tell you that what I say is true and based on 16 years of experience on BOTH Macs AND windows [as well as Novell and Unix] computers in professional capacities ranging from graphic design and multimedia programming, to multi-platform [primarily windows NT4 & 2000 servers with windows '98, 2000, & XP workstations] digital solutions/network administration [for Xerox... you know, the company that actually invented the GUI and mouse], as well as retail sales and business/education account management [directly, in the PAST] for a major company... that rhymes with Snapple. Good drinks, huh? =) http://www.snapple.com/

So please read on ONLY if you want to know what is REALLY going on in the technology industry. I am not disclosing anything that would violate any NDA [non-disclosure agreement] that innovative technology companies [like ones that revitalize the music industry and revolutionize the music player industry] would have FORMER direct employees sign. That last statement is directed to SJ, RJ & "Snapple" Legal.

That said, if you really think that there ISN'T a revolution taking place, and have resigned yourself to believing that we are "living in a windows world", then please do yourself and myself a favor... stop reading here.

However, if you think that something might be going on, but you're just not sure of what it is, then believe me when I tell you that I'm on the front lines of the current VERY bloody battle that is a pre-emptive strike leading to the major war that will take place within the next 7-10 months when windows vista [has it been delayed yet?... again?] and Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" are BOTH available SIMULTANEOUSLY, and let me tell you all, the view from this frontline is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, even though it may not be too publicized... yet.

Remember, a key factor in fighting and winning a war... is the element of surprise.
Keeping that in mind, microsoft and windows/vista have absolutely nothing to worry about because I believe we are living in a windows world.

On the matter of VDJ, all I've got to say is that I'm glad that it took a MAJOR player like Numark to DEMAND a Mac version of VDJ for their upcoming Virtual Vinyl product because they know that if they didn't have a Mac version, VV would get LAUGHED out of the digital dj marketplace and die in sales, because EVERY other major competitior has a Mac version [SSL, FinalScratch, Ms.Pinky, etc.].

"But why is a Mac version necessary if there are soooo few Mac users?". =P

Because 10's of millions of computer users is not "a few". Proportionally, yes. Technically no. Now factor in that the REAL professional [non-bedroom/hobbyist] audio, video and graphics industries have ALWAYS been dominated by Mac because they work RELIABLY [we don't use windows] for EXTENDED periods of time [2-3x the lifespan of a windows pc], and guess what? That is now a MAJOR number of users who DEMAND computers that work RELIABLY for EXTENDED periods of time.

They DEMAND Macs.

There is, WITHOUT A DOUBT, a LARGE amount of not only EXISTING professional club and radio dj's using Macs, but more importantly a HUGE amount of SWITCHERS [windows users switching to Macs] because these professionals can't afford to have they're hard earned reputations scarred by an unstable windows OS that takes a dive during a live performance on-air, at a club, or ANYWHERE. I've seen it happen, and seen LOTS of prominent dj's "switch" because they know that windows crashes, and they're not gonna give it the chance to have it crash on them during a performance.

Any of you ever here of Dj Q-Bert? I wonder what he uses?

If you know him personally, then give him a call [I ain't giving you Rich's number] and tell him that ConQuest of LEGEND Entertainment says "What's Up". Known him since the early 90's. Also, tell him that me and J-Solo look forward to playing him and D-Styles in chess until 5am in their hotel room [rules were to drink beer everytime we lost a chess piece, but he didn't, D-Styles did though and we were all drunk at breakfast] after another Import Car Show after party. [1998, San Diego]. We all went a few hours later to watch a dj battle where my best friends and dj partner of 15 years [DJ Icy Ice LEGEND Entertainment/Beat Junkies/93.5 KDAY [Los Angeles]/StacksVinyl.com] did a showcase at the Del Amo Fairgrounds.

On the subject of who I am: MySpace.com/FRodriguez719

For those of you with an ounce of business sense, if the number of Mac users is so insignificant, why would Numark or any of it's competitors bother making, or requiring that a developer like Atomix make, a Mac version?

Because Atomix is about to start playing in the MAJOR league [thanks to Numark and their decision to use a great program like VDJ]. But now it needs a LOT more PROFESSIONAL players. Professional players need professional equipment, or in the case of digital dj'ing, a professional SOLUTION made up of hardware, software, AND the OS that that software runs on. VDJ is only PART of that solution, luckily a STRONG part. But until the Mac version is released, it's VDJ strength is LIMITED by a very WEAK part, windows. The hardware part has a lot of variables, but at least the end user has more control over it lots of times.

I'm NOT talking about MOST of the hardware manufacturers. Lot's of them do use better hardware than Apple does in it's Macs. Also, YES, there ARE a LOT more hardware options for windows computers [only for about 1 more month though, when the Mac Pro towers are introduced the week of August 7th... if not sooner], but no matter how good the hardware is, windows is still the weak link that keeps a really good computer from being REALLY good.

BTW, modders and DIY's [Do-It-Yourselfers], I'm not talking to you at the moment because you ARE a MINORITY in the grand scheme of MASS computer sales. I'll address you guys when the professional level Mac Pro towers come out in a month, and if Apple releases a consumer level [aka upgrader/gamer] and consumer priced Mac tower. [No NDA violation because everyone knows that "no one knows what Snapple's gonna do until Snapple does it". This is just "educated speculation" by me.]

Again, the hardware is only PART of the solution. Sometimes it's a GOOD part of the solution, like Alienware's higher end hardware. But you're gonna pay for that superior quality. Sometimes it's a BAD part of the solution, like Dell. Dell knows that people are catching on to this.

This is one of the reasons that Dell recently purchased Alienware. The MAIN reason, is that they are scared of Apple's Macs that can now run windows on a separate partition on a Mac http://www.apple.com/bootcamp/, run windows from within Mac OS X http://www.parallels.com/en/products/desktop/, or how bout the "cherry on top"?... MACS THAT CAN RUN WINDOWS APPLICATIONS WITHOUT EVEN HAVING WINDOWS INSTALLED AT ALL!!! http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060630170338.shtml

Not enough software for mac? Pfff... Macs now have MORE software than windows computers!!! ALl windows applications PLUS all Mac ONLY applications. SUCK ON THAT microsoft!

Dell had to do something to try and get rid of their reputation for selling cheap junk, which is why they posted a LOSS of revenue last quarter, and probably will again this quarter. They want to start being profitable again asap [obviously], but that probably won't happen until the holidays simply because of volume sales, and the release of vista should help too... maybe... in about a year... at least.

Bottom line is that Dell knows that they can't return to being profitable by name alone anymore, nor can they do that with their cheap hardware, but what's worse for them, is that they have NO CONTROL over they're WEAKEST link, microsoft windows.

If I'm not telling the truth, why would Michael Dell himself publicly request to license Mac OS X?:

He/they [Dell Computer] know that the BEST solution is to combine BETTER/BEST hardware, like that from Alienware, with the BEST OS, Mac OS X. But he'll have to settle for Linux, because we don't like Dell. At least Linux is better than windows, unfortunatley it's not nearly as good as Mac OS X.

This has to make Dell nervous, because if Steve Jobs [who has a personal "beef" against Michael Dell because of something he said back in '97] and Apple wanted to, they could license Mac OS X to everyone BUT Dell, and bury them, but more importantly, him [Michael Dell]. =)

Do any of you really think that if the largest windows computer manufacturer has already publicly stated that he/they want to sell Mac OS X pc's because they know that windows is the weak link that is bringing them down, that all the other windows computer manufacturers aren't banging on Sj and Apple's door to get out of the sinking windows ship too? Suckaz!

Go ahead SJ and Apple. License Mac OS X to everyone but Dell. Just because you can, and you know they ALL want it. ;)

Think about it people, these are VERY personal battles. First between Steve Jobs and Michael Dell on the hardware front. Then between Apple and microsoft on the OS front. Sony has been trying to fight off the iPod's dominance on the digital music player front since 2002, but it has failed miserably along with so many others [Remember the original mp3 player manufacturer, "Rio"... Apple's iPod put them out of business last year. Creative's next]. microsoft tried backing Napster's effort to kill the iTunes music store. They just ended up blaming eachother for both of their failures and now microsoft is teaming up with MTV instead with their "URGE" store. The problem is that the vast majority of people who watch MTV are music lovers, who own iPods, which combined with iTunes provides the... say it with me... COMPLETE SOLUTION [Ever noticed that the iTunes and/or iPod "tab" at Apple.com says "iPod + iTunes"?]. Urge doesn't support iPods, and iPods don't support Urge, therefore Urge will fail.

170+ Apple Stores will have been opened by the end of this year [30-40 average per year, since they were first opened only 5 years ago] in 4 countries [US, Japan, UK, Canada] with more coming VERY soon... WOW! Honestly, even I didn't know that we already had 7 Apple stores in Japan and 6 Apple stores in London. I thought we only had Regent Street in the UK. Again, the element of surprise.

Italy, you're next with a Grand Opening at the "RomaEst" shopping center on Thursday, September 14, 2006.

@ Man and His Music and his poor, misinformed propogandist "defense" -

Can't you think of a better "argument" than that one that has been disproven for years now? I mean, come on, talk about BOOOOORIIIIIING.

"Marketshare" means nothing if people jump ship to something better as soon as they get the chance [the chances are being provided by SWITCHER driven sales at the Apple Stores, Apple Shops @ CompUSA with almost 300 locations, major resellers like Best Buy with 700+ locations adding dedicated Apple shops to meet SWITCHER demand http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1788 / http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1835 and quickly increasing amount of computer resellers INTERNATIONALLY ["Apple Is Back In French SuperMarkets!" [Carrefour] - http://www.hardmac.com/niouzcontenu.php?date=2006-6-27.

That is what is happening here in the US ENMASSE. This is happening world wide as well, but what's fun is watching microsoft followers/windows users think that they have a good, or even more laughably, "the best" computer when they have a windows box because "everyone else has one, therefore it must be better". =P

Marketshare means nothing, "INSTALLED BASE" does mean a lot though, and Apple's share of the world's "installed base" is NOW between 16 -20% of the worlds computers that are STILL IN USE. That's because Macs last minimally 2x but on the average 3x longer than windows computers do and work reliably the entire time.

windows boxes ONLY outsell Macs because they last 2-3x less than the average 4-6 years that a Mac does.

microsoft and windows hardware manufacturers make money off of you because you're back in 1/2 to 1/3rd of the time to buy a new computer than you would be if you were using a Mac, and they both [microsoft and windows hardware manufacturers both have a sweet tooth that they satisfy with, YOU, the end-users, the suckers.


This next article is a year old, and even back then proved that Macs have more than 3x the INSTALLED BASE than unknowledgeable windows users think. Knowledge is power kiddies:

"16-percent of computer users are unaffected by viruses, malware because they use Apple Macs"

"Macintosh software comprises over 18% of all software sold, according to the Software and Information Industry Association. In addition, the Software Publishers Association (SPA) estimates that 16 percent of computer users are on Macs.

Also, on Thursday, June 2, 2005, Winn Schwartau, one of the country's leading experts on information security, infrastructure protection and electronic privacy, summed up his first month's experiences in his conversion from Windows to Mac:

"In the WinTel world, could you do this? Or maybe you should ask, 'Do I really want all of that paranoia to go away? Do I really want to spend more time enjoying whatever the hell I do on my 'puter, or maybe I should continue wasting hours every week on security crap that shouldn't be a problem in the first place? Hey. It's just a question."

Oh well, that's enough education for now. Remember what I said, then watch and learn.

Any of you know what Lemmings are?

So does that mean that VDJ will work with the Intel video of the non-Pro MacBook?

@ ConQuest : Glad to see you decided to take Norway's advice about posting Mac rants in the correct thread.. just kidding. Looks like we have an interesting year ahead of us, and it's about time.

But to get back on thread, does anyone know (from experience perferably) if VDJ can acceptably play/mix videos on a MacBook non-pro?

@ Conquest

Nice read there. However

Back to my question...

Does the current MACBOOK (NOT PRO) run videos out the Svideo port well running windows xp with bootcamp?

@ frd1963:

Yes, the MacBook's integrated GMA 950 graphics will run VDJ just fine.

@ jchiar:

I did not try running video out of the mini-DVI port of the MacBook [it is S-video]. That is something new to me that I am gonna try with my MacBook Pro, but I am almost sure that video will work fine out of the MacBook with it's extended desktop/video spannijng capability ONLY if you have enough system ram.

You really don't need the dedicated ATI x1600 graphics card to do this. A dedicated graphics card is more useful for applications that require pixel shading, texture shading, and things like that. An integrated graphics card is just fine for video playback, again, as long as you have enough system ram to run the VDJ skin effects AND the external video.

Take out one of the stock 256MB chips and add a 1GB chip, AT LEAST. Of course maxing it out at 2GB by replacing BOTH 256 chips wouldn't hurt, just in case. =)

The fact that it's being run through XP on a Mac using Boot Camp is not an inhibiting factor because running windows applications on xp through bootcamp on a Mac runs EXACTLY the same as ANY windows computer with the same specs. [Core Duo 1.83GHz or 2.0GHz processor, GMA 950 integrated graphics, 5400 rpm HD, and 512MB of ram are the main factors]

If anything, all of the unnecassary background processes running in windows and the fact that it's a slow and bloated OS would be an inhibiting factor.

That last comment was not windows bashing people. I'm just telling it like it is for someone who should be aware.
