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Topic: Why are you applying for this Job??

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Applying for a supervisor role at the company I work for. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas as to writing the perfect response when asked "why are you applying for this position"?


geposted Wed 12 Jul 06 @ 4:33 am
Because I need to buy new CD players in preparation for VDJ4. I think that would work. :)

i want this job 'cause i'm waiting for my trust fund to kick in

On a serious note. My goal is to be CEO (or something further up the ladder), and this supervisory position is the first step towards that goal. It will give me the challenge and the experience that I will need, as I continue on my career path. I like this company, plan on being here for awhile, and this is just the natural starting point for me. The added benefits, and financial incentives, are a bonus. Your bullshit, has to sound better than the next guys (or gals)bullshit. It would help if you knew a little something about the duties you will be required to do. This way you can say a little something about it, and what you have to offer.

I've been the one asking this question for membership to a cabinet before, and the applicant we chose wrote something along these lines if i remember:

They mentioned positive things that the past person in that position had done, and came up with ideas on how to better them

They key to actually directly answering the question is to point out negatives that they had done- or possibilities they could have done but did not do. In this you can say that you will try to fill said vacancies and do an even better job. After all, isn't the goal to advance the business? The best and most efficient way is to have a well structured organization. Management is key in today's infastructure and I feel that it is a great stepping stone for me to advance (stolen from above lol). So to directly answer the question, I am applying for this job because I feel I carry the qualities necessary to advance the business, keep employees happy, and most importantly, run a smooth operation.

or you can just tell them you dont feel like your challenged enough in your current position

well you would not be applying for a new postions if it was not to better yourself and your position within the company. You can say that the company will benefit from your skills that you can bring in.

Convince them that they NEED you and you don't need them, express your knowledge of the business and your ability to manage people as a team player, Sell yourself as hands on and that you lead by example. having said that, be humble, be clear, and interview them so the interview is a two way conversation rather than giving short answers and asking no questions.

Lastly, forget my advice and Be yourself ;)
The six P's: Proper planning prevents piss poor performance, it's true but you need to appear spontaneous.

@DJ Key-Low

You have to put yourself in the position of the people in upper management, and ask yourself what response would impress you. If I were in that position, I would give the supervisor position to the applicant that explained how he or she could accomplish the company's objectives by effectively supervising the employees. This is the most important aspect of being a supervisor that I learned from studying business in college. The reason this is important is because a company is not made up of technology, policies, etc...; instead, it is made up of people. Consequently, I would look for a supervisor that could effective communicate the company's objectives to the employees and develop a good working relationship between management and employees. Unhappy employees will not perform better than happy employees. Furthermore, employees are unlikely to inform a supervisor of possible problems or a better way to accomplish the company's objectives if they do not feel comfortable communicating with a supervisor.

I hope you get the position ;)


what kinda company is it anyway?

@DJ Key-Low just noticed a change from H.B. :-)
anyway: I think you should tell them that it's normal to try to go up. To be better. LEt's call it: natural evolution. And that of course you want to further build up your name on good results... etc...

@DJ Key-Low

I should have concluded my above suggestion by stating that you should emphasize how beneficial your communication skills could be to the company. If you have some actually examples where you used your communication skills to resolve a problem or to assist a company in accomplishing its objectives, mention this. Communication skills are very important—if not the most important skills—for a supervisor to have.


After all this dont get ahead of yourself and say too much, they need it clean, cut, and simple. And be sure not to forget the bottom line; How will you make the employer money. Thats what they are really looking for out of this.

hmm im applying for this position because i want more money and you cheap ba88erds arent giving me enough...I'm just kidding i thought i add some humor into the discussion, but seriously just be yourself..there gonna pick whoever the want..it's all about presentation not what you write...you really think they don't know u can get help writing stuff down anywhere? How do you think they got were there at.............just be yourself you'll live longer

Thxs for all the input!

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