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Topic: NEW BPM Detection Software - Page: 4

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how big is the file ????
when i download it it says 8.9kb and when u run it u get an error

is this what u were talking about ???

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 5:43 am
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
Yeap thats what I get...

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 5:47 am
congrats NAWTBOY

good work

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 5:47 am
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
Ok I can host the file but I need it to be sent to me...If anyone has it and it works send it to djhomeboy@virtualdj.com

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 5:48 am
djzeroPRO InfinityMember since 2003
you need the Microsoft .Net Framework for the file to run. otherwise wou will get an error.

you can download this in the windows update under the recomended updates section. i think is about 13.7 mb

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 5:52 am
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 5:54 am

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 6:02 am
hey there are alot of updates
what should i be looking for

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 6:08 am
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
Microsoft .net framework.....AND ALL UR UPDATES LOL !

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 6:12 am
found it 23megs

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 6:16 am
DJ SpeedLand:

you can use and modify the php script. it's gpl license.

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 7:26 am
I am currently running the mixmeister software on all 6000+ songs I have, I am sure this will take a while. How long should it take for the little app u made to update the database ?

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 7:29 am
i tried doing it for 50 songs or so it says wrtiting txt file and thats it nothing happens i think theres somthing wrong with it
but the mixmiester thing will take quite a while

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 7:41 am
Yes but if you read the disclaimer when running it says that it may appear as though its hung up but in fact its still working....Thats why I asked about how long?

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 7:45 am
Actually I didn't change the disclaimer, but it shouldn't freeze: it uses a 2nd thread to update the database. I can't tell you how long it should take (because the computer I have here only has about 100 mp3's -- it takes a few seconds for 100 mp3's on my celeron 600 w/ 128mb ram lol).

I just found an error in the display (no bug for the database, only a HUGE slowdown). I updated the file, and everybody should redownload it.

This program requires the .NET Framework to run, that's why some of you might get an error trying to run it if you don't have the .NET Framework.


P.S.: congratulations NAWTBOY on your new status :)
@DJ Homeboy: I sent you the fixed-and-much-faster updated file :)

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 10:39 am
GwennPRO InfinityMember since 2003
If you need help for C# or VDJ Database info you can contact me, my msn address is in my profil.

You speak French or only English?


geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 11:13 am
I speak & write both; there should not be any problems with the code though... I added you to my MSN


geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 11:30 am
GwennPRO InfinityMember since 2003
For the moment I'm at work but this evening (7.00PM) I'll be at home.


geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 11:53 am
NAWTBOYPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Thanks Team!!!

geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 12:26 pm
congratulation on new status NAWTBOY! ;)


geposted Tue 29 Jun 04 @ 12:31 pm