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Topic: Thank you and good bye 3.4

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Gentlemen Its has been a pleasure mixing with 3.4 and be able to share my mixes with you guys and at the same time I'm possitive it will be more exciting as we await "like little kids" ready to play with 4.0 in just few days.

Meanwhile I like to thank VDJ staff for 3.4. Sometimes you hear about all the problems in the software and we dont realize what we got until its gone. Well, before its gone here is one last mix. Like "MaMasay what?" its all good........




geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 12:41 am
That's a cool sounding mix!!!

Definately worth saying thankyou to VDJ 3.4, been using it with no problems for more than a few months now. Great piece of software, so VDJ should be even better!

By the way, who does that song "Mamasay...."


geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 9:59 am
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I follow your ideas. Version 3.4 had been hard to make it crash, and also it always worked well. Ok there were some things to fix (like time stretching, which I've never liked), but many of those "problems" look to have been fixed in 4.x versions...
Thanks Dev Team! It's a pleasure to program plugins for VDJ... even if I would change some things, not because they don't work, but because I want to make it better again!

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 11:46 am
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Thanks Dev Team! It's a pleasure SKINING VDJ 3.4 ! TO

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 3:26 pm
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004
3.4 has been nothing short of great for me. Uo until now I wasn't very excited about V 4, But now I can't wait.

By the way, who does that song "Mamasay...."

It is Michael Jackson Song TItle Wanna BNe Starting Something

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 5:09 pm
"Mama Say Mama Sa Mama Coussa" I believe its by Lionel Richi. The scratch sample in the back ground its by MJ.

By the way thanks TexZk for that great HIGH QUALITY FLANGER plug in.

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 7:23 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Thanks vnz161820!

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 8:24 pm
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
While Atomix and VDJ might not have been the best looking or the best sounding DJ software I used, throughout all these years of using it at nightclubs not a single time has it crashed on me! Virtual DJ is the most stable and practical DJ software out there and I impatiently await for the next release.

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 10:04 pm
Goodbye Virtual DJ 3.4 .... you have been my best friend and a real helper for a long time now...

Sorry for being hard on you, but I have to let you go... The sexy blonde VDJ4 is the new one in my life, and we are really happy together....

Sorry, VDJ 3.4... you have done well, but its time to part...

thank you for all the good times VDJ 3.4

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 10:07 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
3.4 ? what 3.4 ?

geposted Fri 18 Aug 06 @ 11:25 pm
3.4, you may remember it from long ago, but it is the one I will using tomorrow at my gig....

geposted Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 12:00 am
Yep! 3.4 was good but now 4.0 is about to set it on fuego!

Gracias for developing a great product!



geposted Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 12:16 am
I've only bee using 3.4 for a month now and I must say it's a great tool. I have some issues with it but all and all, I've produced some fun nights with it. Thanks to the development team and user community for all it's success.... making my success!

Looking forward to VDJ4.

~Mix Master Mark~

PS: Great mix DJ VNZ. And this is coming from a Fun House rocker out in Brooklyn many moons ago!

geposted Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 3:01 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
Check my blog for more house mixes, 3.4 is very good, will see what v4 has to offer.

geposted Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 5:47 am

geposted Thu 24 Aug 06 @ 5:39 am
DJ ELPRO InfinityMember since 2005
"Mamasy mamasa ma ma makossa" is from the 70's hit by Manu Dibango called "Soul Makossa." Afrika Bambaataa covered that song a few years ago on his album "Dark Matter Moving At The Speed Of Light."

geposted Thu 24 Aug 06 @ 7:30 am

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