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Topic: Estimated release time for Virtual DJ 4 >>> - Page: 1

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Countdown for estimated release-time of Virtual DJ 4:

Virtual DJ 4 was released TODAY at the DJ Expo in Atlantic City.

This being exclusive to the dj expo event, the release at this forum will be at the estimated time above... (Its an ESTIMATE, not official countdown) ;)

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:01 am
what a way to tease us... a count down ... that isn't official...


geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:03 am
its almost official, just not on the hour and second maybe... .thats up to Corporate Department.
But it will be a good estimate ;)

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:04 am
One question: When the demo will be available for download?

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:07 am
Probably a few days after official release...
Takes a few days to update Download.com

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:09 am
3 days :(

I can't wait. Bring it on :p

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:10 am
aledjoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
will be available update v4 for home edition?

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:31 am
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
And here I thought that it will be available today. Well, waiting another 3 days won't hurt anyone......................too badly :)

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:27 am
Yes that would be very estimated, as that countdown is using my local time as a base! That makes it 9.5 hours fast for all those in aus! =)

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:27 am

It's a bad news.

Can't wait !

i believed it was today :(



geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:44 am
LOL Trust Norway to tease us with a countdown, u cheeky bugger :P

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:55 am
djkikePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Wow...countdown...what a torture lol. I've been hardly waiting for this version for weeks.
I'm sure it will improve vdj once more to be the best dj program!!!

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:04 am

Ah...ok....He just wants to tease us.

It was a joke.



geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:08 am
And I waited up all last night in front of the computer ;-)

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:23 am
I did it too, till midnight :->

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 10:47 am
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Same here... been up for hours! *yawn*

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 11:07 am
d rocksPRO InfinityMember since 2006
lol Kinda reminds me of watching paint dry............ seems like it never happens...

Good one Norway!

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 11:14 am
Yep same here I was hoping to use my BCD-2000 with native support tonight and throw my HDJC-1 @ the garbage because after 1 year it’s wasted, so I stayed up all night to so I could make sure everything would be installed & tested by tonight.
It will be something for next week I guess.

Go for it VDJ .

Regards DJJANP.

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 12:20 pm
DJ Play gigs on weekends. All other releases that I can remember were on Sundays. Gives us time to test by the weekend to work out any kinks. No matter how good there is always something dumb to work out. Just a word to the wise for those who have gigs on Fridays and Saturdays.. Put it on a test system first and gig with it next week. There won't be much time to give it a run here.

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 1:59 pm
Will VDJ4 be free for costumers of VDJ3?

geposted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 2:16 pm