
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: VirtualDJ v4.0 - Page: 11

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Ask e-service to give you 3.4 installation file again. Just deinstall V4 and install 3.4 again but I don't now if you can use database.xml, it cannot be used from V4 to 3.4, just reverse way. If you transfered your old database from 3.4 to V4, it should be still there in V4 folder, the one without your Windows login name. Backup both just to be sure, if you want to go back to V4 someday.

what does it matter what soundcard I have? I had 3.4 with timestretch worked fine. Now I do an "upgrade" and my computer is skipping like crazy. I am getting a RAM upgrade soon......could 512 RAM just not be enough realistically here?

I think you should recommend 1 gig of RAM

I have 512mb ram and it is working fine (audio only). But 1Gb will be better for sure.


If you read some of the forums, you'll see that your skipping problem can be easily fixed by making adjustments under the performance tab.

No, I did those adjustments and it is still skipping and slowing down like crazy....I even went through and did some of the recommended performance tuning on this board. Virtual DJ is still a massive resource hog even though i love it. I really am convinced its the RAM. My computer often says (low virtual memory).

That will do it! See if you can change your VM settings.

anyone a idea how to download some skins without being a pro here?

You can download some of the skins for the others, please buy the software.

It must been your virtual memory is fixed to a small amount, change it to 800Mb both values and restart.

@jrrusse1, do you load big files ? dont
For 512 ram set the maxload in options to 15min and set a permanent swap file as dj alf advised.
btw, i have 512 too in my mobile system and working fine, but no bells and whistles in this system..

Thanks everyone for the ideas...I will try them all. I LOVE Virtual DJ and have used it for two years now....I was just having no problems at all in 3.4 with timestretch turned when i upgraded there were problems. I was a little taken know? 4.0 was acting like the previous versions did on my computer with timestretch.

That being there is no way to deactivate timestretch now????

.....this is the best pure DJing platform out none. If you make it work for you it can work wonders! I hope I am not coming off negative about VDJ

You can turn off timestretch by turning off "Keylock" function (just below pitch fader).

To quote my own post, seems you missed it ...
apopsis wrote :

Master tempo can be enabled/disabled on skin now, its "keylock"
If you want 3.4 functionallity just use the 3.4 default skin.


i turned it off.......seems better immediately

I think timestretch was it all along.....makes the song sound like it is "drunk" or slow....skipping and just awful

one timestretch is off it sounds great!!!!!!!!! in the meantime i optimized my computer in a 100 other ways that werent the problem LOL

Glad to hear that is now ok ;)
You can use timestretch and the sound can be good, you can set it in Performance tab, but you need powerfull machine for that.

V4 rocks

nothing more to say lol

LOL yes indeed ;)

VDJ puts tons of cash in my pocket by letting me do things I could never do before.

karaoke = big money
photo slide shows = big money
video = big money

I Love it!

Anyone have an extra copy of the timecode cd rip? I'm not to good at burning copies.... Thanks

Manual is available here :)

