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Topic: Question to all professional users who make their living DJ-ing

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I have only been using Virtual DJ since January of 2006. Before that I was using PCDJ for like 5 years. I have sworn off PCDJ due to my what seems to be a widespread opinion of lack of support and community there. During those years I was so happy to have made the switch to digital and slowly built up my library from all my own CD collection and Promo Only subscription CD's alike. While other DJ's in the area were slow to catch up, I felt as if I was a few steps ahead of the game. Final Scratch came out and I bought one of the first version ever. I couldn't get it to work so I returned it. I badly wanted to get the "old school" turntable with digital combo. During this time I was using a Numark DMC-1 controller to mix. Serato was in devolopment and I researched it and forecasted that would be the way to go. A friend of mine bought it when it came out and I wanted it bad. I waited and then through a random search using google about mixing videos or VJ-ing I stumbled on Virtual DJ. I then downloaded a demo fell in love and bought it. The main draw to me was the ability of mixing video. After months of tweaking and tons of help here on this forum I felt comfortable enough to make the switch from PCDJ to Virtual DJ. I then started like a madman with my digital form of my video collection. In less than a year got more than 3000 videos in my library now. A lot of them are custom edits I produced and others from my Promo Only collection and personal DVD's. I use TCV's with and Ecler Mixer with MIDI to scratch mix videos. I felt as I have come full circle from the start of using turntables to now mixing videos with turntables. I am still in shock that this can actually be done and with with a solid piece of software and hardware combo.

I have a regular Video Mix night at a busy bar here in Houston Texas. I can't even count the amount of people who come up and asked a million questions on what I am using and how I am doing all this. DJ's, club owners, hobbiest, etc...

Now the question to all here on this forum reading this...

I personally feel as if I am ahead of the "competition" here in Houston. With my ever growing massive custom video library and hardware/software combo. The reaction I get speaks for itself. In order for me to stay in demand on such unique form of entertainment, I feel I need to protect my "trade secrets". Is it wrong for me to NOT tell anyone I am using Virtual DJ and how it all ties in together with the TCV's, Ecler Nuo 4 mixer, powerful specs on a computer? I feel as if I tell some stranger about all what I have learned and experienced it would only hurt my demand as a DJ/VJ. I have a close network of DJ friends who use virtual DJ as well and we share tips and tricks all the time. Does anyone out there feel the same with this issue?

Just last week a guy came up while I mixing videos and asked, "can you show me how you are doing all that?" my response was, "no.. but if you want to hire me, here is my card..."

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 11:07 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
low-fat-al : I wouldn't worry about the "trade secrets". I would worry about teaching your skills. My point is that it is your skills that are the secret. Your knowledge of how the beats work, to what knob does what on the mixer, to what button performs what feature in the software. Those are the trade secrets.

I have helped several in my area get hooked up with VDJ, some only audio, some only mouse clicks, some using controllers, etc. And, what separates me from them - my knowledge of VDJ and my skills as a DJ. Believe it or not, my knowledge of computers and VDJ out way my DJ skills, but that's where I am an asset to others and still able to roll with the best of them because I have skills others don't have yet - and in some case will never have.

So share the wealth of what you use - just don't teach them everything you know.


geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 2:15 pm
I'm a professional user of Traktor , I am probably going to use VDJ to do video with . I am in the exploratory phase learning about video and I'm not hurrying into or out of anything. I have decided not to use pioneer,pcdj doesn't have video yet so they are out ( I don't like there decks but I do think there recordcase is amazing) and I am definitely not going to use hardware video decks. That's all Ive decided so far. Also I'm not going to completely abandon Traktor. The people at this forum are very helpful noticeably more so than at Traktor.

People are gonna learn the technical junk if they want but that isn't really what's pleasing the crowd, so I agree just worry if you're competition gets some good mixing skills....in the meantime enjoy being at the top in Houston.

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 3:13 pm
It isn't neccessarly the fact of showing them how to mix. That isn't the problem. The problem is this is a cut throat industry in this massive town. I know.. I have lived it. Early on when CD burners were so expensive I got one and started burning over my vinyl collection right away. Then I was one of the first DJ's to put out a mix CD and sell it in a very popular record store here. I had a handful of DJ's bug me into recording them and helping them make some mixed CD's for themselves. And then some started asking about buying CD libraries from me because I had such a head start in that department. Well once they got their own computers and started getting into burning their own. Then the phone calls came in like crazy. "what do you use to record and track out your mixed CD's? Can I get a copy? Can you show me how to use it?" After they learn what they need from me... poof... they are gone and then getting all the gigs because maybe they happened to know the right connections.

It will happened again if I happened to show the right person and let them in on HOW I do what I do with video mixing.

I know I can't stop the inevitable by knowing there will some marketing and whatever when Numark's Virtual Vinyl (which is the one and the same as VDJ) comes out. Just want to delay it a little and let them do all the research and time getting it all ready to use on a proffesional way. That is why I need to lose 40 pounds now ... btw. All the time I spent in front of my damn computers ripping video, experiementing with codecs and settings, and editing and production of my videos as well. That kind of cut into my exercise a little.

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 9:26 pm
All the equipment, knowing how to use different software, ripping CDs and all that is useful but is only a means to an end. I love all the technology, but that's because I can afford it now. I went for years using beat up and home made old gear - but it still sounded good.

What really separates DJs is the entertainment value they deliver. This is often exhibited in a very simple thing. What record to drop at one time.

Imagine two DJs up against each other in identical clubs next door to each other. One has old CD players and decks. One has fantastic up to date computer DJ equipment. Which club will be full?

It will be the one where the DJ creates the better atmosphere. Technology can help us do it, but we need to remember that it's that entertainment factor that is the core of our business. It's the music that matters.


geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 3:14 pm
Oh I agree...

I have found here in Houston that there will be little dj "crews" that are horrible DJ's. Can't mix, don't have a personality, etc.. but they kiss major ass and know the right people and they are all over the place. Just a shame that most crowds and club owners have NO IDEA what is quality at times. Those people are the ones I am afraid of. They are self seeking and would do anything to get your job and others if they could.

geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 7:35 pm
In that situation you're not gonna help any of the jerks.....maybe attack the problem head on, have a battle and obliterate them in front of a large crowd plus the owner, a little humiliation sustained during a battle of the dj's could cement your reputation plus drive away the backstabbers, not to mention maybe put some coin i n the pocket from winning the prize at the battle.....

geposted Tue 14 Nov 06 @ 5:33 am
What's up Al?

I was gigging at City Streets in Fort Worth with my Numark DVD + PC rig. They just didn't want to pay to be the cutting edge club. I quit in September. I did help the other DJ setup a Virtual DJ setup for the techno / hip-hop room. I like Vitual DJ, but don't trust it for 8 hour gigs. [The record case doesn't hold up to PCDJ either.] I would use my Numarks for video and then use either Virtual DJ or PCDJ FX for audio tracks.

Sad fact is that there isn't enough competition in DFW to demand my services. I'm up to 8000 videos [3000 in the VJing library]. Even the club with best rep in Dallas [The Lizard Lounge] only uses me as a backup. I've rocked the house there, so it is not my chops... just $$$.

I have only been to your old stomping gorunds one time since you left and it has gone way downhill... songs played twice... same artist back to back...

Hopefully I will catch up with you soon!

geposted Tue 14 Nov 06 @ 7:27 am
wow.. kevin!! What is up?

Right before I left Drink Houston I was working out the kinks with Virtual DJ. I have got it down and use it all the time now. I can gig for a number of hours no problem mixing videos using my turtables and the TCV's. I was about to demo it for Mario (the club owner) and show what it is all about and how much cheaper it would be to do it in all his clubs instead of the Pioneer DVD Players. But he did me a favor by letting me go. It woke me up to the fact of unappreciated club owners like him would just take what I have and run with it and leave me out of the loop. Since then I have refused to take any crap from any club owner or anyone who hires me. I also am a little more protective over what I have in my library and how I can do the things I do now. .. .. A little info for all those who don't know. I used to work at a major nightclub here in Houston under the rule of Mario who owned several major nightclubs here. He would put the fear of god in you and your job security. All the DJ's in the company are always fearing for their job. It sucked but he had a big stake in the Houston market, so if you wanted to work there you have to put up with a lot of BS. I was broadcasting on the radio and doing other production work for the company and playing tech guy as well. I even put a personal library on the club's computer so I can start working there because they didn't allow me to bring my own computer in. They copied my personal library that exclusive edits and remixes as well as very rare hard to find out of print tracks too. My library was put on the main computers in the corporate office and other clubs as well. In order for me to keep my job I had to grin and bare all that kind of crap. So with me and my "born again" self I have a different outlook than most just getting into the business or have had better luck with club owners and other DJ's alike.

geposted Tue 14 Nov 06 @ 7:49 am

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