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Topic: yo vdj, mix it up a lil, heres some suggestions

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DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hmm yes I love my default skin since 4.0. But it doesnt fit my 1280*1024 screen. How about a default skin to this size. Im sure theres a large user base of LCD screen users, also possibly a default skin for laptops which plays another large part of the user base.

Im getting bored of seeing my TCV everyday. I feel like ripping the label off which isnt really possible/easy. I was wondering what would be the chances of getting \"different\" TCV. How about one with a white strip down where virtual dj is that cuts all the way threw the record, possibly even RED/BLUE coloured TCV. Different coloured labels or even if anyone else has ideas of the TCV design post it here.

Im sure the artwork could be either improved or kept simple. I dislike the covers. \"play mp3 on your turntables\" im sure we are aware of this because if we weren\'t, dont think we would be buying it. Possibly even the picture could have version 4 on the lcd monitor rather than the older version and possibly the concordes could be digitrack or have shure 44-7. I wouldnt mind a simple one though.

I think there is a fairly large TCV user base of Virtual DJ. Yes it looks cool using TCV, but it wouldnt be too bad to sound better too. The mainy reason i beleive people use TCV is for scratch, and this is the important thing to work on when making this TCV. Improvement of repsonsiveness is needed. I have a top of the range pc, i can run at very low latency such as 0.8 @ 48,000 / 64 samples however that is irrelivent because the response could be improved :D Don\'t get me wrong I love virtual dj but theres always room for improvement. I think this is the main priority that should be worked on in future versions \"the TC aspect of it\". I beleive it was originally designed on the basis that it would be used for techno/house music. I play hip hop, rnb and turntablism and the current response isnt ideal for me. VDJ can sometimes not recover after heavy scratching, it tends to distort or make a funny noise then recovers.Theres still a bit of drifting, but its been improved since earlier versions so I can\'t complain too much. It would be good if it was correct altogether :D

BPM engine could also incorperte hip hop & rnb music. I think the same reason that it is designed on the basis that it would be used for techno/house music which is a pain for me because i have to /2 out of all songs for BPM.

Keylock is great feature, its too chewy though even for my PC which is top of range. I beleive this is a new feature and hasnt been fully developed yet and will be worked on ?

I would like to see some effects which are developed by virtual dj. The effects are alright, but they arn\'t crash hot. I would love to have great working internal effects. They are created externally so im beleiving that dev team could do a awsome job making some effects.

I would like to have more beat patturns up on screen. Possibly have an option to set the beat patturns.... Begginner Intermediate Advanced. Advanced would display more like bass drum,snare, high hat, cymbal and beginner will be how it is now.... intermediate will be like how some of the skins have dual display one beat underneath the other...

browser track needs working on, it wouldnt be too bad to have it marked on the tcv too :D i know its a new feature so it needs to come out on future tcv.

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 3:58 pm
NiemsPRO InfinityMember since 2006
In terms of skins, there have been a lot of 1280x1024 skins already made, avaliable at the downloads page.

And if you were to increase the beat pattern detection, then analysing a song would take forever! lol

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 5:51 pm
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
yeah but thats not what im asking about the skins... i want default skin made to size for my monitor. shouldnt need a user skin, i want a dev team skin :D

depends what pc you run. I dunno about you but I can't really get the full use out of my 6800 conroe using two instances.... u46dj and delta44.... both at 48,000 and 64samples... u46 at a 1ms latency and delta 0.8.... i got decent low latency ram etc... raptor etc....

sigh like i said before.... have an option to select which kind of beat patturns u want... depending on user knowledge and ability... its good for scratching and turntablism having this display... adds the extra touch.

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 6:06 pm
NiemsPRO InfinityMember since 2006

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 6:10 pm
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
1280 * 800 isnt for me i got 1280*1024

Also I forgot to add at the top... thin line TCV(like final scratch) would be good for scratching.... would go prefect with my butter rugs. Also the grooves could be thicker.

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 6:23 pm
NiemsPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Look around that skin, there will be a 1280x1024 version as well, dont worry!!

The new vinyl replacements from Numark should be a good improvement on current TCV

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 7:03 pm
yo dudes where do u get butter rugs at? how much do they cost?
oh yeh about r ripping the label off of of your tcv, um it would be really really cool if the tcv could come in differen colors like my favorate our midnight blue and red! cause im gettin turntables for chrismas and id think it would be cool to have red tcv what do u guys think?

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 7:45 pm
wehn i go to the radio virtual dj radio is has no listen link or anyting please have dev correct this!

geposted Sun 12 Nov 06 @ 11:29 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
DJKice - looks like you got all the knowledge man, when you releasing your DJ software - look forward to it.

BTW - here is the skin you want - (1280x1024 version included ) http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/download.html?addon_id=2534

Also, VirtualDJ is a community driven environment. Most of the effects are by people very knowledgeable of the software (Corporate) members - DJCel. The skins are done - again by very knowledgeable and capable persons. And, I think you've been around long enough to know that VirtualDJ is always in a mode of refinement and getting better and surpassing the competition even further with every release. Your suggestions are appreciated, but just why such a negative tone to them - not sure?

geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 3:55 am
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
Wasn't really trying to make a negative tone.... Maybe thats the way you potrayed it how you read it. The only negatives was the coveres which i disliked. The rest I was commenting on what can be improved on. I know there is a large list of things for improvement and only so many people in dev team. Most of my suggestions im pretty sure a large user base would agree with me.

geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 7:40 am
This to me is the perfect example of whats good and bad about this community, an experienced member like Kice is giving examples of how we can improve this fantastic software even better, and the responces he gets are just temporary fixes. Thats why I think Norway gets so much respect from users like myself because he doesnt just listen to our problems and re directs us.. he listens, and ACTS. I respect Kice for speaking his mind, and encourage others to do the same also.

DJ Steven may
- Proud VDJ owner

geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 9:16 am
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
thanks for that stevo... this is my 201st post yay :D im getting old... um yeah its just suggestions, its upto them to totally ignore them if they want. Some of the things are like real simple things and wont take very much time but its really upto them.

geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 3:35 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
its the best they can do for now they arnt programmers ...

please respect the fact they just wana try and help you :)

geposted Mon 13 Nov 06 @ 9:54 pm
Skyfxl, I appreciate you spending a lot of time and effort into achieving this VIP status goal you seem to have set yourself, but you do seem to post a lot of useless posts from time to time.

Back on topic, I would also like to see the labels on the tcv changed in VDJ and even an option for different beat presentation in the upcoming updates. Cheers ;)

geposted Tue 14 Nov 06 @ 8:45 am

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