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Topic: Time Strech

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claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004
It would be interesting to be able to activate "Time Strech" on every way separately by a button to be inserted into skins in every place. One next to every deck and one above (for example) to activate it on samples. The fact of being able to fall over towards the one or the other mode by a simple click during playing would allow new sounds live.


geposted Mon 02 Aug 04 @ 9:10 am
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Would love to be able enabling/disabling time stretch seperately between decks. The only reason is quality, 'cause some vocals/melodies can be niceley stretched without very noticable quality loss, while on the other deck I'd be play'n a non-timestretched track (with shifted pitch of course). It's sometimes a pain to actually reset the deck A pitch, just to enable time stretch for desk B.


geposted Mon 02 Aug 04 @ 11:54 am
claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I think it(s more pro to be able to (des)activate time strech without going to the config. A lot of CD players do that. It would be very interesting to integrate this option to our favorite software.

I dont' know if it's hard to implement and I don't know if any users would have this option.

geposted Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 6:04 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
I think a better solution would be seperate pitch and tempo sliders

geposted Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 6:09 am
It would be like the way my hercules dj console behaves in MixVibes5. There you can push the button 'Master Tempo' on the dj console (or in the skin) and the pitch slider turns into a Time Stretch slider. Very cool, and very usefull I think.

I haven't been able to map this, because the Master Tempo button on my console now controles the beatlock, and I haven't been able to turn that off (or de-map).

geposted Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 11:52 am
@ Cyderhouse Exactly. with a lock togle switch to switch between locked mode (where pitch increase with tempo) aka TS dissabled and unlocked mode where you can change the tempo without altering the pitch (wonder where i got that idea from :P) would also be an idea to coppy (un)said programs timestretch quality while your at it.

geposted Thu 28 Oct 04 @ 4:50 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
I've found that the time stretch does a good job at +,- 8% max anymore than that you'll get a noticable quality loss. I'm happy with that as with cd's and vinyls I never went past this anyway. But I do wish for the seperate pitch and tempo sliders and the abilty to "panel" them meaning you can click to change it between the two and this click would change the way the slider acted.

geposted Thu 28 Oct 04 @ 5:53 am
Oh realy? because on the verions im using (the 2.02 version off download.com) the time stretch is terrible all the way through from +0.1 to the top but atleast up there its less noticable. how hard would it be to create an input box in the setup window to change the variable controlling the number of samples used in a block? aka timestretch qaulity? (assuming the dev team wrote it with a variable an not hardcoding a large value for simplicities sake)

This program has come a long way since i checked it out about half a year ago but this feature is still a let down in an otherwise well oiled system. Other programs have done this so i assume its not a technical impossiblity.

geposted Fri 29 Oct 04 @ 1:27 pm

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