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Topic: Timecode problem - Page: 1

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Scratching is over all laggy and it scips a lot. the sound is very electronic on some tracks. sounds liek utter ****. is all of "virtual djing" like this? or is it just me

i use esi juli@ sound card. auto settings

geposted Sat 23 Dec 06 @ 1:29 am
try autolatency on proformance tab

doesnt change a thing

try lowering your profrmance tab


still laggy. i cant even do a simple cut if i get too fast... it falls behind. lag lag lag

what version of VDJ are you using ?
What soundcard?

What latency ?

vdj 4.1
esi juli@

tried everything, on some of them i crash. i cant use the native asio driver cause it crashes saying Asio driver error. i have to use asio4all

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry Chemeh no email address is allowed from a demo user

Chemeh wrote :
vdj 4.1
esi juli@

tried everything, on some of them i crash. i cant use the native asio driver cause it crashes saying Asio driver error. i have to use asio4all--Moderated by Lady Cameron<i>Sorry Chemeh no email address is allowed from a demo user</i>

reinstall your card


Hopefully you'll get the legal version when it all works ;)

Try this:
- Use maya drivers (update if there are newer)
- Set LATENCY to AUTO (VDJ performance tab)
- TURN OFF safemode
- THEN, go to timecode config in soundcard settings, and choose AUTO CONFIG

Mix, mix mix ;) should do it

look in russia finding the legal version is close to impossible... i bought it and spent my money, sorry if not the way u wanted me to but i paid money... ill buy the actual version if it works and i use it in gigs, if it doesnt i wont.

ive reinstalled my card about 10 times now. how can i use maya drivers on an esi card? link to driver if u can be bothered please

btw i bought the trial version, aint the illegal imigrant here. just couldnt download when had inet prob. dont think of me as a cheator :P

Sorry, you have u46dj.. I read wrong;)

you should use the ESI drivers, and NOT maya ;) hehe

But same setup as abouve


thats the most important one, but do the rest I suggested too.

What ESI driver you have ? 1.014? 1.016? or 1.018 ?


I have ESI Juli@

driver 1.18

Man, sorry... I'm being slow.. Guess its xmas..

ESI Juli@ .. hmm

Does it even have ASIO drivers ???

If you dont have asio drivers, it WILL be slow/sluggish timecode use... sorry.

Asio4all is your best chance if it does not have asio drivers, and it might help a bit.
But might not give the ultimate performance.

Try as low latency as you can in Asio4all, and choose asio4all as the soundcard in VDJ.
Set latency to AUTO in VDJ (so that Asio4all controlls latency), and turn the suff off that I mentioned before...


yes it has Asio... vdj just sounds soo electric... so fake :S

Thats really weird.. .

- Do you use KEYLOCK ?
- Do you have 100% timecode quality ?
- Have you grounded your turntables to your PC ?

VDJ should sound very real if you set it up right

i tried with keylock and with out
yes i have 100%
yes i grounded them to the pc. should i try ground to the preamps?

hmm... running out of ideas here..

What you mean by electric sound anyway?

Does it sound the same when you play the mp3 without using tc?

I mean, are your mp3s sampled at a low bitrate?
