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Topic: guides you would like to see in 2007 - Page: 1

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heya , if you have an idea for a guide or need one on a topic which has confused you

can you post it here :)

so far there are

thanks to many users contributions :)

broadcasting guides
tcv setup guide
mk2 latency improvement guides
building a computer
broadcasting and network
ram and virtual memory
video cards
optimisting windows xp
optimising windows vista

geposted Fri 05 Jan 07 @ 1:16 pm
Optimizing Windows XP. In a very non technical way.

bogart wrote :
Optimizing Windows XP. In a very non technical way.

for that why not try :)


system meanic pro


Tutorials on each soundcard that users have...of course help from the users that have them to complete these tutorials may be needed. Using them with timecode, without timecode and with or without an external mixer. Midi controls

Examples could be:
PreSonus Firebox (of course)
E46 DJ
and whatever others use.

good idea will look into it :)

any more :-)?

oooooooooooooooooooooooooo yes, u46dj on how to hook up tcv, that would be a good guide, seeing as i have the card!!!!!!!

a user who wishes to remain anominous sugested a guide for making guides =)

Yeah, as far as midi goes, instructions and how to set it up for each mixer (like djm800, and others)< even though I don't have one...yet.

What software is good for your dj'ing pc to optimize it.

Again, as far as the soundcards go, have pictures, and a way to save these files so that they can be pulled up live at a gig to help in those precious moments when they are needed most. Most of the gigs I have don't have internet easily available for me to search the forums.

Also have a way that when you rip, the files are named correctly, so that once VDJ is opened you don't have to right click on a file that says "track 10" and rename it. (a official guide at what to use, and the way to do it). I had over 50 files that I had to do that to the other night. Some of the cd's I rip are promo's, so that aren't recognized by the cddb yet, so I have to name the file myself, and that's usually just naming the filename. Usually it works, but sometimes I have to do the rename thing in vdj again.
Sometimes I use windows media player to rip, sometimes audiograbber. Audiobrabber reads the cd text on some of them, but the lame decoder still doesn't work for whatever reason after changing it 4 times, so I rip a wave file.

mainedj wrote :
Tutorials on each soundcard that users have...of course help from the users that have them to complete these tutorials may be needed. Using them with timecode, without timecode and with or without an external mixer. Midi controls

Examples could be:
PreSonus Firebox (of course)
E46 DJ
and whatever others use.

I have to also vote on soundcard/headphone setup.Maybe a tips/tricks guide.


i have often wondered if it wasn't possible to , in a nice way kinda get all this great info from sky or norway or whomever on to the trial download page and make it more or less impossible to not see on day one for the new customer.

for those who say that will scare away new people i disagree.......

"Here at VDJ we know that our customers use our software in many different ways and genres. For that reason we provide several how to guides well tailored to fit your situation. If you use time coded vinyl or cd's, external mixers and controllers, or professional sound or videocards we have the easy to understand info that you need right here" .

then display the links........

i'm trying to get them to see that stuff from the get go then see them again hopefully as the sticky's on page 1..........if this exists already fine my point is still to make it awful hard to miss.......

it would be nice to have a knowledge database page where ever answer could be placed/for guides prehaps it could be in wiki or wikinuke format,

Sky I would like to see a guide on how to install 2 OSs on One system and create the dual boot. Also need to know if you need to buy 2 OSs or can you use the same Serial # on both on the same machine??? Also after Vista comes out a guide to upgrading and what we need to do to convert drivers and such.

cool idea :)

Ahem, how about a guide to using multi instance? ahem...

thats comming 2 but il need to scrounge another card

How about a guide for the new vmix 5 skin?

99 panels of beer in the wall, can get confusing.

master cyder has made a manual :)

skyfxl wrote :
thats comming 2 but il need to scrounge another card

Ok, so you need two sound cards to get it working? That kinda rules it out as a solution for me. Thanks for putting the time in anyway.


if you need inputs yes

or video

if its just to play 4 decks of audio no u dont need two

