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Topic: Keyboard Shortcut For Video Transition?

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DjGazUKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Sorry if this is already on the forum or in the instructions somewhere, but I just can't find it.

Basically I want to use the Numark CM200USB mixer as it's already installed at a venue I Dj at every week (the usb channels acts as two sound cards if you didn't know). However I don't think it has Midi so I don't think I can controll the video with the cross fader??

Just wondered is there a keyboard shortcut or how do I make one to swap from one video to the other without moving the audio balance from left to right or right to left? (Do I need to uncheck "link Crossfaders?") I mean you know if you just left click on one of the preview video's it changes it over for you, but the sound keeps playing on whichever side you have it on. I want to be able to do the same thing, but with the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Hope you understand what I'm talking about and can help me out.

geposted Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 2:07 am

set keyboard shortcut

open vdj
-keyboard shortcuts
-press a button easy to remember.
-in left most column: "video", "video_crossfade"

now. value sets the speed and + or - set's the direction.
a good number would be anywhere between 128 to 900
left: "-"
right: "+"

example: "+900"
five clicks and you faded over.

you can also use combinations for different speeds: for exapmle, I use the < and > keys.
"shift" + "<": is low so shift + < is -128 to the left.


DJ Shahar

geposted Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 3:04 am
i use left and right arrow as my video crossfader.

geposted Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 5:18 pm
OR you can just use the mouse and click on the prieview window that you want to fade to and it is a really smooth crossfade, I am sure you know this, but I am just throwin it out there. :)

geposted Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 11:43 pm

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