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Topic: recorder

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what is a good digital recorder i can use to record from my mixer then edit on my computer

geposted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 6:32 am
Are you recording Just audio or audio & video?

You can get laptops so cheep these days; buy a used one with at least a P3 and that's all you'll need if your just doing audio.

If it's just audio, I use Sony's Sound Forge 7 or 8 (soon to be 9) on my laptop this way, depending on your hard drive space you can record several hours and edit it down to several cds.
Their are so meny simple to use tools in Sound Forge that will help you make your CDs come out very good and in a very fast time.

If It's Audio & Video; I use a Sony home DVD recorder that has an s-video in-put;
then transfer the dvd I made on that to "Final Cut Express" on my Mac, then use I-DVD to make the chapters and menus on my DVD.

no i mean i record from my computer but i want to record from my mixer now

i just need to know what there is to record from it, its a nuo4 and will soon be a djm 909, if it matters

If you want a stanalone recorder you could get a mini disc unit for about $150 from musicians friend, you could use that and then record back to your computer via multitrack program if you feel a need to master. You can wire your mixer back into your computers line in to record, I choose not to just to keep resources free. Myself if I'm recording a mix from VDJ, I line my mixer to the line in of my laptop and record through cakewalks sonar. An extra computer, imo, is the best way to record in these kind of situations (like recording a VDJ mix). I say that because of all the editing and plug in benefits of multitrack software (cakewalk also makes a "music creator" multitrack software for around $50 last I checked). However, stand alone recorders do have a couple advantages, the main one being realibility, no OS or hard drive to crash, even the ones with hard drives are alot less likely to fail than a PC. Of course, if you have the money, a mac book pro would probably be the best option computer wise for reliability.

I hope I understood your question right. Do your research before buying if so, there's alot of differant options and what's ideal for one person is anything but for another. Would you benefit more from the editing advantages of a second computer? Or maybe a standalone cdr recorder? DAT? Minidisc? You've just gotta decide which is in your budget and will work for you the best;^]

the first one is along the lines of what im looking for but is there anything cheaper

Probably not, but if you search the right place, maybe ebay, you might be able to find a digital multitrack with compacxt flash or usb port for around $200. No promises though. The cheapest digital option would probably be a mini disc recorder, maybe a cdr recorder. If you have toslink inputs on your soundcard you could sync a minidisc recorder with so long as that unit also has toslink. Most of the shelf unit ones I've seen do. Not sure about the battery operated ones though. You can also search amazon, musiciansfriend, circuit city, hell I think even walmart.com sells the lower end units. Good luck to ya;^]

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