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Topic: Max Load Explained - Page: 1

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Max Load

Can someone explain what this really does?

here is what I noticed...

When I have Max Load set to 'Always', VDJ uses in excess of 180MB of system RAM and scans the entire track as the track loads regardless if the track has been analysed.

When I set Max Load to 'None' it uses about 40MB of system RAM and does not scan the entire track. I also note that it appears to scratch faster when using the mouse.

Either settings, the CPU utilization jumps to 100% when I load a track.

Can someone explain Max Load and how it should be configured? Why does VDJ use to much memory? How about some guidelines for systems?

Systems with 256MB Ram, average track size is ??MB, set max load to ????

Systems with 512MB Ram , average track size is ??MB, set max load to ????

Systems with 1GB Ram, average track size is ??MB, set max load to ????


geposted Sun 24 Oct 04 @ 11:43 pm
The max load setting is simple: if a song's length is longer than the max load setting, then that song will be loaded as it plays (it won't be loaded when you drag it on that desk).

If you choose "none", then no songs will be loaded to memory.

If you choose "always", then all songs will be loaded (and decompressed to wav) into RAM.

I choose a 10-minute max load, since most of my songs are under 10 minutes, and those that are longer won't be pre-loaded to RAM (thus, making sure I don't use too much of my RAM).

Hope this helps,


Is the max load for each track, or for both tracks combined?
If I load two 8 min tracks, do I exceed a 15 min max load setting?

The max load is for each deck separately (eg. if your max load is set to 10 minutes, VirtualDJ will load any song less than 10 minutes, on each deck (thus, totalling 20 minutes of max load)).


maby VDJ should change the MAX load feature to one where you can specify how much of the System ram VDJ is allowed to use as a maximum...

i think that this would clear up alot of confusion regarding this feature

Yeah i second that.By controlling the ram...well, you know!

How much Ram do we all need for maximum Load?
I´ve got 2gb?

The maximum is 30 Minutes ... am I right?

The maximum is 15 minutes for each deck. Which amounts to 30 minutes total. Thus, you need enough RAM to run Windows, VirtualDJ, and to hold 30 minutes of uncompressed Wav data (and hopefully a little bit more for all the other background apps...)


could this be what causes vdj to crash on me sometimes?

If your max load is set too high, then what might happen is that VirtualDJ tries to uncompress the whole song into the RAM, when there is no more RAM and pagefile available (which could cause it to crash).


so for those of us who have 256MB what do you think is best?

and 512MB?

I have 512MB of RAM and I use 10 minutes (and it works perfectly), so I would say 5 minutes should be good for 256MB. Maybe 10 minutes could work too... The best way to know is to try it and see ;)


just check your "Peak Commit Size" in Windows Task Manager after a few VDJ sessions. If it exceeds your Total Physical Memory, means your machine had to swap at some point, and you have to either up yor RAM or lower your settings.

Mine did a lot back when I had 256Mb RAM, and although it had no effect on the music, it did have effects on the GUI: screen would freeze for a few seconds, etc.

I bought an extra 256Mb and haven't had any issues since then. My "Peak Commit Size" seldom goes past 400Mb, I use a 15 min max load, but rarely play tracks that are longer than 8 or 9 minutes (mostly 3-7 minutes tracks).

IMHO, one should not use VDJ with 256Mb RAM, it's just not enough. 512 Mb is great though, and I have not seen a reason to go higher (oh yes, my old notebook won't go higher :)

Cool! I will try that. My laptop for VDJ is dedicated. No other programs running. Very clean.

"If you choose "always", then all songs will be loaded (and decompressed to wav) into RAM". "Macourteau"

If I'm understanding the above quote. This means that VDJ decompresses each MP3 into WAV and loads it into your ram memory?
I just upgraded my laptop a Pentium 2.4 gig to 1 gig of ram. What should be the proper setting for my system to avoid or minimize to almost 0 the possibility of a crash of the program.

As always thanking you all for your time and ideas,

DJ Willymix

Yes that's right, it gets decompressed to wav, and this gets loaded to RAM (the decompessed audio).

The best way to know the optimal settings it to try them out. With 1GB of RAM, I would choose 15 minutes. This way most of your songs (if they last less than 15 minutes of course) will be fully loaded, and you can be sure that if you load a bigger song, it won't take up all your free RAM (and even maybe some swap...)


I leave mine set to "always" even when I only had 512 of RAM. Personally, I never experienced any problems with this setting. However, I don't play long pre-mixed files.

Ok I set it to NONE and was playing a track, moving the jog wheel on the DAC-2. When all of the sudden, VDJ just CLOSED. No error, no crash. I had to restart to get back running. Guess I should try 10mn?

as Rick, mine is set to "always"... and that seem to work best.. and I also have just 512 ram...

As long as you are not playing like 100mb mp3 mixes, that setting seem to be best.. ;) for me at least
